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[android-developers] Re: How to use OverlayItem's fields (Title and snippet)?
Constructor Summary. OverlayItem(GeoPoint point, java.lang.String title, java.
Aug 31, 2010 . We currently just pass in the overlay's location as a Point .
I would like to how to use OverlayItem's fields (Title and snippet) 'cause they are
Aug 20, 2009 . Subject: [android-developers] Re: How to use OverlayItem's fields (Title and
Builder and uses the tapped OverlayItem 's title and snippet for the dialog's title
public synchronized OverlayItem add(GeoPoint point, String title, String snippet
May 22, 2011 . Although the second argument in OverlayItem's constructor is Title and one . .
In Listing 8.12, the list of Overlay items is static and defined in code. . String
By default, the annotation will display a title and snippet as contained in the given
You can only access variables from an inner class in Java if the variables are declared as final (making them constants). More information .
The OverlayItem arrays foodItem and accessItem contain information about . .
Aug 5, 2009 . We currently just pass in the overlay's location as a Point, leaving blank the Title
String snippet = overLayItem.getSnippet(); /* 象素点取得转换*/ Point point =
[android-developers] How to use OverlayItem's fields (Title and snippet)? Hi .
. overlay » Android Source Code / Java Documentation Android Source Code .
[android-developers] Re: How to use OverlayItem's fields (Title and snippet)?
Aug 2, 2011 . LENGTH_LONG).show(); return true; } public void addItem(GeoPoint p, String title
2011年11月6日 . Differecnes between ItemizedOverlay and Overlay class Overlay is a general .
Aug 28, 2011 . @param snippet. * the short description of the item (may be null). */. public
Sep 9, 2008. you can do the correct setBounds() in line 3 of the first code snippet. . Wow,
Subclass OverlayItem and hold onto whatever you like.
Hey guys, I'm looking for a way to make Overlayitem hold more than just a title
A GeoPoint location; A String title; A String snippet. size(). The number of items in
Constructor Summary. OverlayItem(GeoPoint point, java.lang.String title, java.
You are calling populate all over the place. Read this thread: .
2011年11月8日 . Differecnes between ItemizedOverlay and Overlay class Overlay is a general .
Use mapview.invalidate() . This will eventually cause a redraw.
printStackTrace(); } } public void setItem(int index, Drawable newMarker,
Constructs a new OverlayItem. Parameters: point - the geographical position .
Creating map overlay and one marker: . MapItemizedOverlay(youIcon);
getTramTrackerID() + ")"; OverlayItem overlayitem = new OverlayItem(point .
2011年3月4日 . canvas.drawCircle(point.x, point.y, 5, paint); /* 文字设置*/ /* 标题*/ String title =
The data displayed in each balloon is mapped to the title and snippet arguments
Jun 17, 2011 . private ArrayList<OverlayItem> overlayItemList = new ArrayList<OverlayItem>();
@param snippet * the short description of the item (may be null). */ public
Builder and uses the tapped OverlayItem's title and snippet for the dialog's title
Here are some ;; brief notes on the implementation. ;; When a snippet is inserted,
I would like to how to use OverlayItem's fields (Title and snippet) 'cause they are
iterator.remove();. } } OverlayItem overlay_item=new OverlayItem(point .
Nov 19, 2008 . State bitset bit: Indicates the overlay item is in the focused state. . public
It looked like either the title or snippet text you send to the OverlayItem would
Java Doc for OverlayItem.java in » Tools » mapsforge » org .
2011年11月6日 . OverlayItem o1 = new OverlayItem(nanjing, "title", "snippet"); 35. OverlayItem o2 =
Based on the documentation, it looked like either the title or snippet text you send
public synchronized OverlayItem add(GeoPoint point, String title, String snippet,
[android-developers] Re: How to use OverlayItem's fields (Title and snippet)? Hi,
Jul 12, 2010 . Snipplr lets your store and share all of your commonly used pieces of code and
By default, the annotation will display a title and snippet as contained in .
This draws an image centered around the given geographical point in a map.