Other articles:
Jun 23, 2007 . Some of the words on that list are NOT GOOD replacements for said. . . Try using
Oct 9, 2010 . Now we might need to start another list – English words that are difficult to . .. I
Abjured Accused Acknowledged Added Addressed Added Admitted Admonished
Could you list synonyms for the word said? . What is another word for
So, I do have my pages here and there of different words to use than said, but . I
transitions are phrases or words used to connect one idea to the next; transitions
Cartoonist and writers everywhere are thanking you for this list, including me. . .
Feb 13, 2009 . The following is a list of words I have compiled that can be used to replace the
Reported speech using synonyms for 'said' ; ESL/EFL explanations, . On this
May 27, 2011 . Use the word 'said' too much, here's a list of other words to get you started: In
Aug 8, 2011 . ~Enter Blog Title Here~: Other Words for "Said" . gameboard using one of those
Jun 7, 2011 . Top 10 Lists: Many people who've had to proof read documents start to . US
have an English teacher correct your essay, composition, report or any other type
McCoy had several lines of this sort, except that he never said "damn it". Only one
Mar 6, 2010 . I remember that in high school we were given lists of such linking words (firstly, in
Now ask the children to think of other words for 'said'. Compile a list together. On
Feb 26, 2010 . Is anyone getting fed up with the word 'said'? I am. I try to say different things if i
Jan 17, 2010 . As always, the list of words that you need to watch when you're writing . quotes
The way it works is, you choose whichever other word for said you fancy, from the
Others must request permission from the website to reproduce. . Here's a word
What are the other words for said? In: Definitions and Word Differences, IQ [Edit
Printable Better Words for said - encouraging interesting words in children's
I thought these might be helpful to those who are always looking for words to use
Nov 26, 2011. many said's in there so can you guys help me find some other words? . a word
Aug 26, 2003 . Anyway, I used to have a list on my wall – about 154 words, I think . . And then
Images and other media may be licensed separately; see captions for more .
Verbs to Use Instead of "Said". How It's Said. Word to Substitute.
To read about other ways I keep track of who needs a conference, click here.
Why is using words other than said so important? I don't understand . word "said
Find out more about Other Words for Said, like comments, which Stumblers liked
Writing Help: Other Words for 'Said' http://www.infobarrel.com/ . a thesaurus for
There is nothing wrong with using the word said in written .
Other Words for "Said". Acknowledged Added Admitted Advised Agreed
In writing, there often comes the trouble of replacing the word "said" with . So for
Ways to Say "Said" - Vocabulary Word List, More on Verbs · More Word Banks .
Positive Atheism's Big Scary List of . . In other words, when the nation is on its
Dec 15, 2011 . The list reflects the interests and attitudes of visitors from around the world to .
Other words then said? i am writing a novel and am having trouble with said i
Jul 28, 2007 . Home > Writing > Word Lists > You Are Here. Speaking: Words to Use Instead of
Feb 8, 2008 . Us them with discretion as each word applies to a different situation. 1. . . Nice
Here you'll find a list of synonyms for said plus expert advice on how to best use
Developing a list of 100 adverbs may be difficult since the adverb is one of the
An English sentence that uses these words sometimes is said to be in . and
Contributed by Jonathon Steele. Words linked to Speech: Don't Use Said
There are many other words for said that are not given enough notice. Pick and
If so, oh well! It's just here for general help. But the list of words other than said
Aug 18, 2006 . Google "said-bookism" for a long list of articles about it. Personally I use another
What are 50 words to use other than said? In: Education, Academic Majors [Edit
Aug 17, 2011 . This list is all about words that can be used to replace the word he/she SAID (part
For all that, if you need other words for said and you're struggling to catch that