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Items 1 - 10 of 30 . This is a dual-tuner DVR, so you can watch one over-the-air channel . And their
Looks like there's some interesting DVR options coming out of CES for OTA
I would really like to be able to timeshift HDTV. We don't have cable, satellite or
The option to record two programs at a time, or record one while watching
May 7, 2012 . How to update your iOS device software over the air . and limited DVR options
I searched Google and found this great Over-The-Air DVR that works . At least
EchoStar TR-40 and TR-50 converter boxes. For those of you, like me, who have
I'm new here and have read through the stickies and done many searches for
I've been doing some research on finding a way to record OTA. The threads I've
Facebook Timeline options; Log In; Join CNET; Sign in with . Pros: OTA
May 15, 2012 . The only thing that has held me back are the DVR options for OTA. I know I can
With TiVo Over-The-Air signals, you can watch television with a digital antenna
Jan 12, 2012 . One of the challenges that cord cutters face while using OTA (Over the Air)
I'm surprisingly fine with the OTA options. But it would be nice to have more non-
My DirecTV HD-DVR just crapped out today. . drop cable/Sat TV - we live in the
I got this box to replace my Dish HD DVR which was becoming too expensive . . I
Read auntiejojo's Channel Master CM-7000PAL user review and rating and
Over-The-Air HDTV DVR . So I began exploring other options for capturing
I would like to be able to record OTA tv. Al Single tuner, but cheaper than other
Mar 15, 2012 . DVR options for over-the-air TV leave something to be desired, points out PC
May 18, 2011 . This is a good point. There are several options for recording OTA that I'm aware
I scaled back my plans to allow my family to watch local channels over the air,
There are only two dual-tuner OTA DVRs, and the DTVPal DVR is the only
Items 1 - 10 of 135 . And this is a dual-tuner DVR, so you can watch one over-the-air channel while . .
What are the current options for recording OTA HD with no subscription? Is there
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I have a Blu-ray and a TV that have those features already. From where I sit, the
Nov 15, 2011 . OTA PVR/DVR Options. Published September 26, 2011 | By admin. I spent some
RE: New Menu features of DishTruHD after OTA Update. Still a clunky and ugly
HD OTA DVR? Options? - Home Theater Forum - Home Theater . OTA DVR-
Here's also an unexhaustive listing of options to add to the list: ťotadvr.net/ One
Sep 14, 2011 . But it is a simple OTA DVR with no service costs after purchase and that's . . can't
Mar 23, 2010 . It is the LEAST EXPENSIVE Over-The-Air DVR with no monthly fees on the
Hi, I know this has been asked many times, but I can't find any threads (probably
It seems like a very viable OTA DVR option, it is a little more ify when it comes to
Oct 25, 2011 . OTA PVR/DVR Options. Published September 26, 2011 | By admin. I spent some
What are the options for High Definition (HD) for Digital Video Recording (DVR).
Hi, I know this has been asked many times, but I can't find any threads (probably
Ota tv dvr? . So, can anyone recommend a standalone DVR option? . The two
Sep 13, 2011 . Channel Master has announced a new over-the-air DVR that combines live TV .
Sep 15, 2011 . Channel Master Over-the-Air DVR STB . offers people a fairly inexpensive entry
The OTA module connects an Over-the-Air antenna to your receiver. . How To
There is a great DVR out there for recording OTA signals. . There are less
If you don't feel that an HTPC is right for you or you don't feel like putting the work
We really only watch the OTA channels though, so I'm thinking of dropping cable
Sep 12, 2011 . Great options for watching 'OTA' high definition . want to miss a thing so,
[Text View] Premiere for OTA DVR and media access only? . bit of research on
In fact, it is one of the few DVRs which has been designed for Over-The-Air . .
OTA PVR/DVR Options. Published September 26, 2011 | By admin. I spent some
Sep 20, 2006 . I saw that TIVO series 3 will record HD for OTA braodcasts. Are there any other