Other articles:
Aug 18, 1998 . Origins of Words from the Threads of Inquiry. This is a document designed to
Dec 1, 2011 . Etymological site offers a brief history of the English language, discussion boards
Read Ben Zimmer's account of discovering the original 1901 use in his Word
With all this talk this past week about Weiner and Sexting (aren't they
"Millions of people want to know the origin of the words they use. Word columns
The origin, history and evolution of words in English.
'There is no actual list of banned words. It just depends on what someone finds
Jan 24, 2011 . Embed This Infographic Source: Today I found out For Sources and More
Discover little-known history about a variety of different topics with our collection
Dictionary.com » Feature Articles » Halloween Word Origins. Halloween can be
Origin. 'Mum's the word' has become a popular name for baby product shops and
Apr 17, 2010 . Melanie & Mike say. Tow.jpg (63573 bytes). Issue 210. the monthly Word-origin
I designed a game called Origins that exposes the history and prejudice of many
Find the history of other words. Look up words you've been curious about, or
If you think you know a lot about word origins and etymology, it's the perfect time
Learn a new word everyday free on Dictionary.com, including its pronunciation,
In the little more than a decade since I created my original web page here about
Renegade, mosquito, mustang, booby—English uses many words with Spanish
Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form
Directory. Part of the Internet Public Library. Describes books and web sites that
May 23, 2011 . Apparently, English is actually just a mishmash of grunts and shrieks assembled
Sep 12, 2011 . A free online dictionary of English words from Latin and Greek word origins
I've compiled a list of the phrases and words that I find most interesting. Some of
Study the origin of words to grasp meaning--an essential task when studying
World Wide Words. More than 2500 pages on the origins, history, evolution and
At Wordwizard we're interested in English, in particular the origins of English
Dec 2, 2011 . The Word Detective answers reader questions about word and phrase origins,
What follows is list of some curious word origins. Some of these are English, but
Ever wonder why we say some of the things we do such as in Throw in the towel?
May 20, 2002 . Most British swear-words have a history longer than that of the United States itself
The origin is the same Indo-European ple root that gives us plus and complement
Word origins. Was the first computer 'bug' a real insect? What is the origin of 'love'
Curious Word Origins. Common words with uncommon beginnings. Many
These are the sources habitually consulted in the creation of the words on "The
English Word Origins from Kinglishschool - Easy and short reading about history
The Structure of English Words Univ. of Oregon English Lexicography Technical
Amazon.com: Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins (9780060158620):
On the origin of 'fuck': In which we are asked to believe that the word 'fuck'
A great number of words of French origin have entered the English language to
Discover the origin of some English words, where they come from and their
The etymology of a word means "the root or origins of the word." The English
Latin Word Origins. Latin is one of the oldest and most influential languages in
free expressions, words, phrases origins and derivations, original meanings and
Etymologies are not definitions; they're explanations of what our words meant
Word Origins - Scholarly books, journals and articles Word Origins at Questia,
Modern English vocabulary word origins or etymologies derived .
Nov 26, 2008 . Award-winning etymologist Henry Hitchings thought he knew every word in the
This is the list, some 400 word and phrase origins. The words and phrases are
Etymology: Word Origins. Where do words come from? How and when were they
Information about English words derived from Latin and Greek sources and .