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Wednesday: The name Wednesday comes from the Old English Wōdnesdæg (
Jun 11, 2002 . DAY of the Week, Name Origin (Roman/Greek), Attribute, Name Origin (Norse),
In honor of women's history, we celebrate nine spectacularly talented . Names to
Names that mean time, space of time, second, minute, hour, day, week, month,
(romaji), In kanji, Kanji meaning, Planet, Planet in Japanese . and called the
The names of most of the days of the week in both English and Spanish come
Origins of Weekday Names . Derived from the Latin dies solis, "sun's day," a
Dutch = Zondag (skandinavian origin) - German = Sonntag ("Sunna's Day",
"To be cool these days, it has to be really cool," she says. "Parents want to be
Mar 28, 2008 . Be My Friend - http://www.myspace.com/psychtruth Pagan Origin of Days of the
The history of the names of the days of the week is a tangled one. The Greeks
See Week-day names for more on naming conventions. . In most of the Indic
Origin of the names of the days. The names of the days are in some cases
Planet God Name. Origins of Name. Sunday, Sun Sun god, [Sax. sunna-dæg; G.
Dec 25, 2008 . Claim: The name of Boxing Day comes from the need to rid the . Origins: Few
Browse over 750 Biblical names for their meaning and etymology. . perhaps in
Names of the days of the week in Chinese and their origins. . The modern
Origins of our day names. The days of the week are based on Greek mythology.
Portuguese is the only romanic language in which all the days of the week have
Did you know that the names of our months and week days have their roots in
The days of the week were named by the Romans with the Latin words
More on Names of the Days of the Week from Infoplease: Name Meanings,
Origins of the names of the days of the week in Chinese, Japanese, and
Mar 23, 2009 . Like the names of its months, the days of the week in English also have illustrious
What are Calendar origins? Where did the names of days and months come from
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: history of the name. . We, as Latter-
The meaning of the name Kali is 'Time; black'. This page offers more name info
The meaning of a name was very important in bible days. The bible itself informs
Origin and Meaning of the baby name Day. Meaning of Day. What does Day
The history of the days of the week is closely intertwined with the . When you
Origin of the names of the months. Only a few names of the month were derived
On Taking a Christian Name at Baptism and the Origin of the Celebration of
What Are the Origins of the Names of Our Days and Months? According to the
History. Further information: Seven-day week and Planetary hours . which
History. The celebration of name days has been a tradition in Catholic and
What are Day Name Origins ? Where did the names of days come from?
Modern Calendar Origins: Calendar Origins - Where did calendars begin? Day
What Is the Origin of the 7-Day Week? What Do the Names of the Days of the
Feb 3, 2011 . M any people go through the week without realizing what the names of the days
This page is crammed with information about Greek baby names. their origins
(English) The Calendar: Doug Fry's page includes information on various
The Names of the Days of the Week - The Names of the Days of the Week See
Nov 18, 2011 . the etymology and history of first names. Login Register. Search. names,
The Origins of The Days of The Week Do You Know That The Names Of The
List Swedish name days in Sweden. sorted by date · sorted alphabetically by
Topics covered: Our 7-day week (origin and meaning of names of days of the
This is the origin of the leap-year day being in February. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar
Celebrating Name Day is Christian and Othodox Tradition. If you live in Europe or
Apr 7, 2011 . The trails were a product of the pioneer days of auto travel when government
Meanings of the Names of the Days. The Seven Day Week The Naming of the