Dec 16, 11
Other articles:
  • Wednesday: The name Wednesday comes from the Old English Wōdnesdæg (
  • Jun 11, 2002 . DAY of the Week, Name Origin (Roman/Greek), Attribute, Name Origin (Norse),
  • In honor of women's history, we celebrate nine spectacularly talented . Names to
  • Names that mean time, space of time, second, minute, hour, day, week, month,
  • (romaji), In kanji, Kanji meaning, Planet, Planet in Japanese . and called the
  • The names of most of the days of the week in both English and Spanish come
  • Origins of Weekday Names . Derived from the Latin dies solis, "sun's day," a
  • Dutch = Zondag (skandinavian origin) - German = Sonntag ("Sunna's Day",
  • "To be cool these days, it has to be really cool," she says. "Parents want to be
  • Mar 28, 2008 . Be My Friend - Pagan Origin of Days of the
  • The history of the names of the days of the week is a tangled one. The Greeks
  • See Week-day names for more on naming conventions. . In most of the Indic
  • Origin of the names of the days. The names of the days are in some cases
  • Planet God Name. Origins of Name. Sunday, Sun Sun god, [Sax. sunna-dæg; G.
  • Dec 25, 2008 . Claim: The name of Boxing Day comes from the need to rid the . Origins: Few
  • Browse over 750 Biblical names for their meaning and etymology. . perhaps in
  • Names of the days of the week in Chinese and their origins. . The modern
  • Origins of our day names. The days of the week are based on Greek mythology.
  • Portuguese is the only romanic language in which all the days of the week have
  • Did you know that the names of our months and week days have their roots in
  • The days of the week were named by the Romans with the Latin words
  • More on Names of the Days of the Week from Infoplease: Name Meanings,
  • Origins of the names of the days of the week in Chinese, Japanese, and
  • Mar 23, 2009 . Like the names of its months, the days of the week in English also have illustrious
  • What are Calendar origins? Where did the names of days and months come from
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: history of the name. . We, as Latter-
  • The meaning of the name Kali is 'Time; black'. This page offers more name info
  • The meaning of a name was very important in bible days. The bible itself informs
  • Origin and Meaning of the baby name Day. Meaning of Day. What does Day
  • The history of the days of the week is closely intertwined with the . When you
  • Origin of the names of the months. Only a few names of the month were derived
  • On Taking a Christian Name at Baptism and the Origin of the Celebration of
  • What Are the Origins of the Names of Our Days and Months? According to the
  • History. Further information: Seven-day week and Planetary hours . which
  • History. The celebration of name days has been a tradition in Catholic and
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  • Modern Calendar Origins: Calendar Origins - Where did calendars begin? Day
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  • Feb 3, 2011 . M any people go through the week without realizing what the names of the days
  • This page is crammed with information about Greek baby names. their origins
  • (English) The Calendar: Doug Fry's page includes information on various
  • The Names of the Days of the Week - The Names of the Days of the Week See
  • Nov 18, 2011 . the etymology and history of first names. Login Register. Search. names,
  • The Origins of The Days of The Week Do You Know That The Names Of The
  • List Swedish name days in Sweden. sorted by date · sorted alphabetically by
  • Topics covered: Our 7-day week (origin and meaning of names of days of the
  • This is the origin of the leap-year day being in February. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar
  • Celebrating Name Day is Christian and Othodox Tradition. If you live in Europe or
  • Apr 7, 2011 . The trails were a product of the pioneer days of auto travel when government
  • Meanings of the Names of the Days. The Seven Day Week The Naming of the

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