Other articles:
Oct 30, 2008 . This is a historic week for OpenID. Google and Microsoft announced the release
Some data wasn't completely obvious, like the implementation of Google OpenID.
The django_openidconsumer package contains all of the code needed to set up
OpenID is a safe, faster and easier way to log in to web sites. . Videos and slides
It has been designed so that users do not even need to know what OpenID is to
Many sites support OpenID, including Google, Yahoo, and Verisign. Allowing
Feb 24, 2012 . Yahoo! allows you to access several services by using a Facebook, Google, or
Nov 30, 2007 . While Google is being hailed for embracing openness regarding its wireless bid (
Google Login PHP Class. This class acts as a gateway to the Google OpenID
Sep 7, 2010 . Some websites use the OpenID standard so that users don't even need to type a
Jul 5, 2011 . Signing up to Google+ changes your Google Profile URL and breaks using your
Apr 28, 2012 . up vote 0 down vote favorite. share [g+] share [fb] share [tw]. I'm looking for some
May 14, 2009 . This morning, Google released an upgrade to their OpenID Provider to support
Component/s: Authentication, Integrations - Google. Labels: None. Similar Issues
Sep 14, 2011 . On most sites you can use your Google profile link when logging in to OpenID.
Oct 29, 2008 . This is turning out to be quite a good week for OpenID, an increasingly popular
Nov 20, 2009 . EDIT: I found the www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (long code
The OpenID endpoint for Google accounts is https://www.google.com/accounts/
Nov 25, 2009 . MG Siegler is a general partner at CrunchFund and a columnist for TechCrunch,
Google supports the OpenID 2.0 protocol, providing authentication support as an
Jul 28, 2009 . The first relation between Google and OpenID started with Blogger. It first
OpenID starts with the concept that anyone can identify themselves on the
OpenID authentication is now used and provided by several large websites.
I don't want to open this up as an issue when I am probably just being stupid: how
Google Apps offers an OpenID API that allows end users to securely sign in to
Oct 29, 2008 . A couple of hours ago, the Google Security Team posted an article claiming that
The AuditConsole can also be set up to allow users to login using an OpenID
Google OpenID API -- see mashups, code, news, reviews and resources. Plus
Blogs; Simon Willison's Weblog; External links; Documentation; Groups; Mailing
Jun 27, 2007 . The implications of Simon Willison Google Tech Talk, 25th June 2007.www.slideshare.net/simon/implications-of-openid-google-tech-talk - Cached - SimilarGoogle I/O 2011: Identity and Data Access: OpenID and OAuth . May 12, 2011 . Ryan Boyd Use OpenID and OAuth to stop requiring your users to type
Example usage for Google OpenID: class GoogleHandler(tornado.web.
Using node-openid with Google + Attribute Exchange I'm afraid the honeymoon
Jan 18, 2011 . In order to be able to test OpenID login, you will simply need your Google
Jan 24, 2007 . Google embraces OpenID: Google starts offering an (automatic) OpenID URL for
Apr 9, 2008 . You can now login to any website that supports OpenID using your very own
[OpenID] Google Identity Toolkit available with Account Chooser. Eric Sachs
In the OpenID URL field enter: www.google.com/accounts/o8/id; Save and you
Sep 28, 2009 . Google recently announced that the Google OpenID Federated Login API had
They just have to have an account to one OpenID provider, a Google account for
SDK: 1.3.4. Federated authentication (OpenID) was introduced to App Engine in
The Google Connect & OpenID plugins allow your users to sign into the forum .
OpenID, Google & Windows Live: Welcome to Passpack. Sep. 2, 2008. Tweet. It's
Simple OpenID/Google Connect? (6 posts). ridjay. Member Posted 1 year ago #.
Nov 26, 2011 . Google is doing things with openid that are not in the spec and it's not clear to me
Note: this is just an App Engine demo, not the Google OpenID Provider endpoint
On Wednesday Google formally announced its support as a provider for the
Mar 13, 2012 . Yes, I've tested it and with the second commit it works. Though I wonder if it's
You can set GET parameters in your $openid->return_to . For example, if you do:
May 14, 2009 . Six months ago, we announced our first step in supporting single sign-on using