Dec 26, 11
Other articles:
  • Does Google Public DNS support IPv6? . Google Public DNS is purely a DNS
  • Dec 3, 2009 . I have been using OpenDNS because the local DNS servers here in Costa Rica
  • Dec 3, 2009 . I will check out Google DNS for IPv6 support. . .. OpenDNS will have a hard time
  • I am using OpenDNS only. Weird is that I am using OpenDNS IPv6 DNS servers
  • May 4, 2011 . People who want to experiment with IPv6 have to encapsulate their traffic to get
  • Oct 19, 2008 . Screen Shots of Building IPv6 DNS Server (Screen shots)
  • Feb 5, 2008 . As of February 4, six of the 13 DNS root servers can be queried over IPv6, putting
  • OpenDNS, one of the Internet's most popular free DNS services, is now . with
  • It's still Tuesday, June 7 here at OpenDNS headquarters in San Francisco, but in
  • May 3, 2011 . For network admins without IPv6 experience, they can quickly set up an IPv6
  • May 6, 2011 . What is this IPv6 sandbox? I spoke with OpenDNS CEO David Ulevitch to find out
  • May 3, 2011 . 03, 2011: OpenDNS, one of the Internet's most popular free DNS services, is now
  • Aug 28, 2011 . OpenDNS has added two IPv6 DNS (RDNSS) servers.
  • Mar 23, 2011 . Welcome to the Hurricane Electric Free DNS Hosting portal. . The Open Beta
  • Test IPv4 without DNS. pending. Test IPv6 without DNS. pending. Test IPv6 large
  • OpenDNS now provides recursive IPv6 DNS. . How is this different than using
  • May 2, 2011 . OpenDNS, one of the Internet's most popular free DNS services, is now offering
  • Public IPv6 DNS Servers. By scott, on July 13th, 2011. While your local ISP may
  • Here are the addresses for the servers. Quote. How to Use the OpenDNS IPv6
  • May 3, 2011 . People who want to experiment with IPv6 have to encapsulate their traffic to get
  • Then for your DNS service, you enter OpenDNS' IPv6 DNS addresses. . my
  • Experimenting with IPv6 DNS requires a small change to your computer or router
  • May 3, 2011 . OpenDNS, one of the Internet's most popular free DNS services, is now offering
  • I already see that OpenDNS support ipv6 name resolution some time ago, but I
  • Now that OpenDNS is offering IPv6 DNS Services (finally), I want to specify them
  • May 3, 2011. DNS I've tried and it's proven to be more reliable than many ISP's DNS servers.
  • Explains how to use OpenDNS dns server address under Ubuntu Linux
  • Free DNS hosting, lets you fully manage your own domain. . Run your own http
  • Jun 5, 2008 . Use better faster DNS servers, like (, . Turn off
  • . IPv6 transport. OpenDNS Blog » IPv6 Recursive DNS, Delivered Fresh. . Buzz
  • These will give dnsmasq access to the OpenDNS Sandbox DNS servers. These
  • as it is i dont think that there are any ipv6 dns servers. opendns is fully ipv6
  • This means that the operator of that DNS server has IPv6 within their network. .
  • Does OpenDNS Provide IPv6 DNS Services? Yes! OpenDNS provides recursive
  • Dec 3, 2009 . Why did Google not join forces with Open DNS and other similar efforts? . . That
  • It looks like the DNS loopup now prefers IPV4 over IPV6. . the IPv4 address
  • May 3, 2011 . Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have no access to the . 1
  • May 3, 2011 . Ready to start tinkering with the Internet's IPv6 protocol, but need an . DNS I've
  • We use a combination of SLAAC & DHCPv6, as DNS servers can't be
  • Is there any way of having the Windows gogoClient obtain an IPv6 tunnel, but not
  • Jun 8, 2011 . OpenDNS offers IPv6-only DNS servers ( submitted 4 months ago
  • May 3, 2011 . OpenDNS, one of the Internet's most popular free DNS services, is now offering .
  • May 2, 2011 . OpenDNS says it will be the first IPv6-ready public DNS servers in the world. It's
  • People who want to experiment with IPv6 have to encapsulate their traffic to get
  • Configure your network settings to use the IP addresses and as
  • May 3, 2011 . People who want to experiment with IPv6 have to encapsulate their traffic to get
  • May 2, 2011 . OpenDNS Is Offering an IPv6 Sandbox for Configuration Testing. . while taking
  • Is there an IPv6 DNS server for public use? It seems opendns doesn't provide this
  • OpenDNS extends DNS adding features such as misspelling correction, phishing
  • The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows: 2001:4860:4860::8888;
  • I know some people here use OpenDNS for IPV4 but they now also offer IPV6 too

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