May 23, 12
Other articles:
  • Find out all about truth behind onions and flu prevention, including how it works,
  • Dec 31, 2009 . A Soup for Preventing Flu. Glad that I have read this article on Apple Daily News
  • Colds & flu and the touring performer: what a nightmare, struggling to perform . a
  • Onion Remedy for the Flu. Onion has natural antiseptic properties that can be
  • Feb 26, 2010 . Onions fight the flu virus? . Onions, for collecting the flu virus: . folk remedies,
  • Download free pdf files and documents about Onions Prevent Flu or preview the
  • Jan 4, 2006 . Here are some tips to help keep you healthy and germ-free during these cold
  • Those eating high amounts of onions and garlic were found to have a 20-30% .
  • Aug 10, 2011 . Maybe it's the onions that are to blame. Onions absorb bacteria is the reason they
  • No harm in trying this, as the onions can still be used for cooking. No wasteage.
  • Oct 12, 2009 . Swine Flu Prevention: Why am I posting this here? . onion in a dish in each
  • Homeopathic Treatment for Jaundice · Flu Prevention for the Family, Naturally ·
  • Aug 18, 2009 . We all know the saying that prevention is better than a cure, but often we realize
  • Aug 10, 2011 . Maybe it's the onions that are to blame. Onions absorb bacteria is the reason they
  • Feb 17, 2011 . Message claims that leaving onions around a room can absorb the flu virus along
  • Jul 2, 2011 . Does Garlic & Onions Kill The Flu & Cold Viruses? . Tracey Roizman, D.C., has
  • Feb 26, 2010 . Does bacteria on cut onions and potatoes cause more food poisoning . the false
  • Nov 1, 2009 . Well, here is a new old twist on flu prevention. Remember? . He placed it under
  • Mar 1, 1993 . This starts the chain of a flu epidemic. During the winter months, the body has to
  • Jan 26, 2012. and Prevention (CDC) up to 20% of Americans will likely get the flu every . .
  • Onions and flu: Forwarded email claims placing sliced onions around the home
  • Onions and flu prevention. why you never use an onion that has been cut and
  • ONIONS - FLU PREVENTION & VIRUS ADSORBENT. There must be something
  • Feb 1, 2011 . Natural Cold and Flu Prevention Natural Illness Prevention . . Onions and Garlic
  • Feb 10, 2009 . One of the most common and effective natural remedies for flu is an onion. One
  • Sep 17, 2009 . Onions are a member of the allium family, the same as garlic, leeks, shallots and
  • Flu and cold remedies - the natural way. . Flu remedies and prevention . Use
  • Oct 21, 2009 . October 21-- The following email is circulating with an "ole timey" tale about
  • Natural Homemade Flu-Protection Preparation: Red Onion/Anise/Manuka Honey
  • Sep 5, 2005 . With cold and flus running rampant, prevention is the key to staying healthy. .
  • Always apply as many prevention steps to keep from catching the flu. From
  • Oct 15, 2009 . So put those onions away, and wash your hands. That's the best way to prevent
  • Nov 7, 2009 . Onions: Stories on Flu-Prevention and Yoga. Yesterday I got an e-mail from a
  • Mar 19, 2010 . Onions, Amazing Flu-Prevention Tool - Blogdate 2/10/10. From: http://
  • Answer: Yes, onion and garlic will keep people away from you, which helps with
  • Below is an excerpt from an email I received recently, expounding on the virtues
  • Feb 3, 2012 . Flu prevention and treatment: Natural remedies! . The best antibiotics that nature
  • Swine Flu And Onions. Here are a few interesting stories about swine flu
  • Oct 21, 2009 . Prevention is the best method, and the following post will offer some insight into
  • Nov 14, 2009 . Prevention is the best method, and the following post will offer some insight into
  • 11/10/2009 7:44 am. Last Read: 5/17/2010 9:03 am, In 1919 when the flu killed
  • Nov 10, 2009 . She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It
  • Onion Absorb Flu Virus - Health Knowledge Made Personal. . Swine Flu
  • There are others that you can take too, but if you take some of each of these it is
  • Oct 19, 2009 . The swine flu (pig fever) is spreading slowly. No accurate medicine is found out
  • Find out all about unpeeled onions preventing flu, including how it works and
  • Jun 17, 2009 . In "Heal Your Life with Home Remedies and Herbs," Hanna Kroeger
  • Nov 3, 2009 . According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the . Biologists
  • I got this email today and I tried to verify it on snopes and there is nothing on it.
  • Nov 25, 2009 . A. There is no reason to think that onions could attract flu viruses out of . .

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