Mar 26, 12
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  • May 1, 2009 . Use sets in the fall for perennial or multiplier types of onions. SPACING: standard
  • Set plants 2 inches deep for bunching onions, ½ inch deep for standard onions,
  • Mar 26, 2011 . space you have available. There is no one way to successfully set up a planting
  • Since you won't be allowing full onion bulbs to form, you can place 16 green
  • Easy tips for growing onion plants in your vegetable garden. . Spacing of bulb
  • fresh transplants and set them 1 to 11/2 inches deep in rows. 12 to 16 inches
  • . with vegetable planting dates, plant spacing, time to maturity, .
  • Space onion sets 1 inch apart for green onions and 3 inches apart for dry onions.
  • Firm the soil around the onion set with your hands. Space onion sets 4 inches
  • Plants 4-5 inches apart. rows 12 inches or so apart. They don't need much room.
  • Onion sets are usually planted in March or April. If planted when the weather is
  • Learn how to plant onion sets in your vegetable garden. Planting onion sets is
  • Buy onion 'sets' which are small onions, and you plant each bulb nicely spaced
  • Mar 28, 2011 . Spacing Onion Sets in Vegetable Garden. Stock photo; File #: 16134597 Photos
  • Mar 1, 2004 . If planted at closer spacing, thin to the suggested spacing and use the pulled
  • Plant onion sets pointed end up and cover with about 2" of soil. Depending on
  • Nov 30, 2011 . You explained to me that farmers can force short-day onions to make sets by
  • We have made a 2' wide by 4' long 32 plant/seed spacing grid, It worked great on
  • Spacing Onion Sets. You can plant 6" (15cm) apart each way or spaced at 4" (
  • Try to space onion seeds 1/2 inch apart and cover them with 1 inch of soil mix.
  • Dec 30, 2006 . When it comes to spacing, onions are a bit different than most plants, because
  • If planting onion sets then they can be planted around Mid to Late March (earlier
  • Allow 12 to 18 inches between rows or space onions 6 to 8 inches apart in all
  • How do you set line spacing. Home tab, Paragraph section, option next to text
  • Plant sets about 1 inch deep 2 to 4 weeks before last frost date. Space 4 inches
  • Some gardeners just don't have the space indoors to start onions from seed.
  • 3 Effects of Row Spacing and Seed Rate on Onion Quality and Set Yeild. /.
  • Plant sets about 1 inch deep 2 to 4 weeks before last frost date. Space 4 inches
  • Thin again when 6" inches tall to a 4" spacing. Sets: onion sets are small,
  • Plants grown from large onion sets (small . after planting and become little more
  • Spacing Onion Plants in Your Vegetable Garden. Spacing should be one to two
  • Feb 1, 2011 . Cool season crops, these onions are best suited for planting in February, and can
  • Plant the onion sets about 1 ¼ inch deep. Space the rows out about 16 inches
  • I space onion plants about 3 inches apart as they are somewhat expensive, and
  • Dec 31, 2002 . Technically, all onions are "long-day" plants, in that bulbing begins as .
  • To do this, the onion plants must be thinned by next February until they are at .
  • Oct 28, 2010 . Pick out the best and healthy bulbs and plant onion sets, pointy end up, ¾” to 1"
  • Onion Set Planting Space. Plant onion sets 2 to 4 inches apart with the tip up,
  • Seeds may be started indoors 8 weeks before setting out; use sets in the fall for
  • The larger and more vigorous the plants are at "bulbing" time the larger the
  • Plant the largest ones together only 2 inches apart to start enjoying as green
  • A few onions take up very little space in the home garden. With a little care and
  • Mar 19, 2012 . Onions. Onions are another popular choice that only require shallow soil depth
  • Mar 3, 2008 . Hi all, First year with my Lottie and I may have been slightly over-enthusiastic
  • Onion sets are usually spaced 2 inches apart in the row and later thinned to a 4
  • Spacing – 1-6 x 12-24 inches. Hardiness – hardy biennial. Fertilizer – heavy
  • Plant the sets by placing them in the soil with only the tops of the sets showing.
  • TO PLANT: Plant approximately 1 inch deep with 5 to 6 inch spacing between
  • are damaged at temperatures below 20°F. Onions grown for winter storage

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