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-ology. n -ologist means specialist. A dermatologist (der-mahTOL-oh-jist) is a
"-ology" comes from "logos" meaning "word". The "-ology" suffix has, of course,
. Review Part 2. Question, Answer. -ology means? study of.www.studystack.com/flashcard-60945 - CachedNew Username Means A New Me (The 110 Club)Nov 21, 2010 . Pl is the ply in Plyjacks, Urkel means Steve Urkel, and the ology means well
Powerpoint Bio means life Ology means “the study of” Biology is the study of life I
The word kinesiology (kin-easy-ology) means the study of motion, in particular
That word combines the Greek word tecnh with ology. Tecnh means art and skill
Mar 3, 2011 . Bracktology? -ology means the study of, shouldn't you study a little harder than
Oct 8, 2002 . Both astrology and astronomy have Greek roots, and they share the prefix astro-
15 hours ago . I already know the answer to this question. The answer revolves around the
Top questions and answers about What Does the Suffix Ology Mean. Find 19
Isn't it the study of the particular word attached to it??? Reflexology, zoology, etc.www.ask.com/answers/115284401/what-does-the-suffix-ology-mean - CachedSuffix: ology means "the study of" Astrology means "the study of . Not going to do your homework for you. Sorry. Here's some hints, though! Usually
Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts,
Feb 17, 2012 . Let's be honest, you already know what kind of movie This Means War is. It's
Be sure to check out www.ology.amnh.org . OLogy means "the study of." And
The suffix -ology means the study of? In: Definitions and Word Differences,
What is the meaning of the word ology? . Ology means "study of" for example:
-ology means? define: What does the suffix -ology mean? Activities. Picture: -
OLogy means "the science of". Clams can live as long as 150 years. The average
Vocabulary words for The suffix "ology" means "study of. ".quizlet.com/2124292/ology-words-flash-cards/ - CachedShakeology ReviewDec 16, 2010 . The suffix ology means “the study of” so Shakeology literally means “the study of
-ology means the study of in Greek. First answer by Bexsabe. Last edit by
What does the suffix 'ology' mean? ChaCha Answer: Ology is a Greek suffix
In the English language, the suffix -ology means the study of something and the
Scrub-ology means that we make shopping for medical scrubs easy. Do you
“Psyche” means the “essence of life,” and “ology” means “the study of.” In literal
This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix OLOGY which means STUDY OF, SCIENCE OF &
Top questions and answers about Ology the Meaning. Find 46 questions and
(e)"Implementation Code" means the Ad Implementation Code (as defined below
Nov 5, 2011 . So if the suffix '-ology' means 'the study of', does biology mean 'the study of bi
This question is public and is used in 3 tests or worksheets. Type: True or False
What does the term Ology mean? In: Definitions and Word Differences [Edit
Mar 23, 2011 . If -ology means study of, then how the hell did analogy come to mean what it
Feb 18, 2012 . Create and share memes instantly with our quick meme generator.www.quickmeme.com/meme/3672ea/ - CachedPsychology of DeafnessGenerally the idea of “psych” when combined with “ology” means the study of the
For example, when you encounter epidemiology, you might think of epidemics
ology [ˈɒlədʒɪ]. n pl -gies. Informal a science or other branch of knowledge. [
What does suffix - ology mean? In: Prefixes Suffixes and Root Words [Edit
Dec 18, 2009 . "ology" means it's science, right? I've come across a few articles and blog posts
The suffix “-ology”” means the study of. -ology is Greek for “the study of”. Many of
Sep 24, 2003 . Ooops! Well, I at least got it half right:-) I'll go hide now:-)forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1018&message. - CachedWord List: Definitions of Sciences and StudiesDefinitions of words meaning sciences: ology words. . has a name associated
ology” means a field of study or branch of science. From its Greek root, “ology”
If the suffix 'ology' means 'the study of' (i.e geology being the study of rocks etc),
The words ending with logy, usually ology means study or knowledge about a
(Greek: a suffix meaning: to talk, to speak; a branch of knowledge; any science or
Definition of ology in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of ology. What
"Ology" means a branch of knowledge. Learning about our environmental issues