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Free ETF quote for . ETF charts, exchange traded funds, price data, technical
Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF . PowerShares DB Crude
Sep 1, 2009 . The PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Long ETN fell 10 cents to $4.38 . Scott
. and compare PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double against other companies. .
Double Silver ETF. September 22, 2011. Tags: double gold etf, double long silver
Tags: double long oil oil, double oil etf, double oil etfs, double short oil etf, dto,
Oct 22, 2009 . At a high level, oil ETFs function just like any other exchange-traded product: they
Feb 15, 2012 . The UBS Crude Oil ETF is a double-long position ETF on oil, meaning that if oil
Mar 8, 2012 . Inverse ETFs (exchange traded funds) are a good way to bet against the market
Mar 11, 2009 . 1) UCO – Managed by the popular “ProShares” fund manager, and it's an ultra
Jun 10, 2009 . After gold ETFs, I thought I'd create an oil ETF list too. . PowerShares DB Crude
Oil Price ETF List: Complete list of Oil Price ETF List (exchange-traded funds) that
Is there a double and triple ETF for long and short energy, oil & nat. gas,and are
As of now, Leveraged ETFs come in two varieties - 2x and 3x funds. . DIG - Ultra
DTO - The PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN inversely tracks the
Jan 5, 2011 . UCO – is the double long (2x) ETF from ProShares. The goal of this fund it to
May 28, 2010 . NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Last year when I wrote a guide to oil ETFs, there were
Leveraged ETF, Short/Bearish ETF, PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short
PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN (DTO). Leveraged ETF,
Feb 28, 2010 . There are also simple long ETFs for heating oil (UHN) and gasoline . long (DGP,
Feb 14, 2012 . The UBS Crude Oil ETF is a double-long position ETF on oil, meaning that if oil
Double (2X) Oil Stock ETF information and comparisons between DIG, DUG and
Jan 30, 2009 . It is down 24.3% in the last month with an expense ratio of 0.95%. ETF UCO
Mar 14, 2012 . I like to trade the double-crude ETF, the ProShares Ultra DJ-UBS Crude Oil ETF (
3x Leveraged (Triple) Oil Stock ETF Products. If double leverage isn't enough for
Jan 29, 2009 . In other words the UOY and DOY shareholders are always on opposite sides of
Complete crude oil ETFs list with long bull and short bear funds, leveraged 2X
Jan 30, 2007 . ProShares UltraShort Oil & Gas seeks daily investment results, before . This
Interact with the DTO stock chart on Yahoo! Finance. Change the date range,
Do your research and keep up with the trends and make an informed choice
The major oil etfs such as USO have not only underperformed the cash crude
Jul 10, 2008 . I received an exceptionally interesting e-mail from a reader recently. The writer
Sep 8, 2009 . The leveraged oil exchange traded note's (ETN) closure has many baffled about
Jan 10, 2009 . Crude oil ETF trackers. Here are some new ETFs whose goal is to more closely
Latest News about PowerShares DB Crude Oil Double Short ETF. Markets: One
Nov 18, 2011 . incoming search terms : oil etf symbol, oil service etf, crude oil etf, inverse oil etf,
Apr 4, 2012 . Oil ETFs are back in serious play as gas prices continue to skyrocket. . DB
A list of the major oil ETFs and ETNs for consideration when adding an oil ETF to
Nov 8, 2011 . Oil is arguably the most important commodity around and it is pretty close in
Deutsche Bank today announced that it will redeem all outstanding PowerShares
Nov 30, 2011 . Incoming search terms : oil short etf, double short oil etf, etf short oil, short etf, oil
Apr 14, 2009 . Please note that Oil&Commodity ETF's could still have a last little pullback lasting
Apr 1, 2011 . “One wrong move and the price of oil can swing by double digits.” . certainly
Search Terms: Highlight Matches. Time to buy UCO - Double Long Oil ETF.
Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) price charts for the Exchange Traded Funds that .
Tags: double long oil oil, double oil etf, double oil etfs, double short oil etf, energy
For investing in oil or investing in natural gas, for trading oil or trading natural gas
Jan 23, 2009 . Included on my short list are the ProShares Ultra DJ-AIG Crude Oil ETF (UCO),
Feb 10, 2012 . Tags: crude oil etf, double short oil etf, investing in oil, oil investments, oil trading,
May 5, 2012 . West Texas Intermediate Crude, US Oil Funds designed to Follow Oil, Ultra