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CS 541 Meeting -*- Outline -*- for Java * Characteristics of AOP: Quantification
Aspect-Oriented Programming is Quantification and Obliviousness . that the
Using existing AOP tools, if an aspect programmer were to follow the
Ch. 2. Aspect-Oriented Programming Is Quantification and Obliviousness ·
aspects and base code, and the PCD/weaving mechanism raises different
AspectJ. [5], an AOP language, provides such encapsulation and obliviousness
Thanks to obliviousness, AOP opens the possibility to reuse code not originally
January 2003, Revised March 2003. Keywords: Spectators, assistants, aspect-
Several authors have debated the modularity and oblivious- ness of aspects in
Aspect-Oriented Programming Is Quantification and Obliviousness - LOCAL AND
What is AOP? • Quantification and Obliviousness. [Filman,Friedman]. –
Filman, R. E. and Friedman, D. Aspect-Oriented Programming is Quantification
A famous paper by Filman and Friedman [2] explained that AOP is quantifica- tion
1. Aspect-Oriented Programming is Quantification and. Obliviousness. Presented
I. Characteristics of AOP: Quantification and Obliviousness A. What features
Oct 9, 2006 . While annotations make code much more readable, but it is a compromise on
I am trying to use some AOP in my Python programming, but I do not have . I
explicit awareness of aspects at the expense of pure obliviousness. This work
themselves) very often deem AOP approaches as too invasive and uncontrolled.
Apr 12, 2005 . In the context of AOP, the obliviousness property requires that the core system be
May 11, 2009 . All of these inherently limit the “obliviousness” property of AOP. 6.2 Other
This leads to a breakdown of the modularity, quantification and obliviousness
This would be a good illustration of the benefits of the obliviousness that is touted
Apr 25, 2008 . It seems to me that AOP is still in its infancy when it comes to good principles.
Jun 10, 2003 . AOP can be simply defined as the ablility to assert quantified statements over
@incollection{filman:aosdbook05, title = {Aspect-Oriented Programming Is
2.1 Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . full
Currently, several aspect-oriented programming languages are available for a . .
Nov 30, 2000 . A core characteristic of AOP is its ability to provide quantification and
Results 1 - 10 of 123 . CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following . citeseer.uark.edu:8080/citeseerx/showciting;jsessionid. ?cid. - Cached - SimilarBalancing Quantification and Obliviousness in the Design of Aspect . tion and obliviousness properties of aspect-oriented programming. This paper
addition, a basic property associated with AOP is obliviousness. This property
Discussion. 9. Important Points: Modularity of AOP. ∎ Interfaces are crucial. ∎
Quantification and obliviousness cause problems such as difficulties in reasoning
Robert E. Filman, Daniel P. Friedman. (2000). aosd aspect.www.citeulike.org/user/bfraser/article/2563926 - Cached - SimilarAspect-Oriented Programming Is Quantification and ObliviousnessRobert E. Filman, Daniel P. Friedman. (2005), pp. 21-35. aod.www.citeulike.org/article/751538 - Cached - SimilarTowards Reusable Components with Aspects: An Empirical Study . modularity and how AOP can be adjusted to facilitate highly reusable aspect
argues that AOP is needed because the caller will not always remember to call
Title: Aspect-Oriented Programming is Quantification and Obliviousness. Online
discuss "Aspect-Oriented Programming Is Quantification and Obliviousness". This
Aspect-Oriented Programming Is Quantification and Obliviousness . an aop
define AOP as making quantified assertions about program events oblivious to
Aspect-Oriented Programming is Quantification and Obliviousness. Robert E.
May 22, 2004 . If AOP is all about obliviousness, AOP very quickly becomes extremely >
Keywords: aspect-oriented programming, modular reasoning, behavioral
This is a very subtle but significant part of AOP, as this separation (obliviousness,
Aug 2, 2007 . Is AOP = Quantification + Obliviousness? I was asked to say something on this
11. 2.1.1 Overcoming Developer Resistance to AOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 2.1.2
Manual. Aspect-Oriented Software Development. Chapter2.Aspect-Oriented
wreak havoc with the aspect side of the equation. Using existing AOP tools, if an