Other articles:
Mar 26, 2012 . FICTION: Ed Perlmutter claims healthcare coverage will expand and cost . FACT
Apr 11, 2011 . I had never heard of it before, but it seems to me as a layman that this is another
Nov 4, 2011. lots of jobs in businesses freed from the health care law's heavy hand. . false
Mar 13, 2012 . FACT CHECKER | You can't pick and choose numbers to make your case, as
Mar 19, 2010 . Real health care reform is the thing we've fought for from the start. It is
Nov 4, 2011 . THE FACTS: No one can be sure what would happen with premiums absent the
From tax increases to expanded coverage, here are the facts and figures of
Mar 19, 2010 . 10 Facts about ObamaCare bill in Congress. Ten Facts Every American Should
1 hour ago . A scorecard separating fact from fiction. Rick Scott · False · Again, no. Says
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly called
You want the full text of the bill? Just the facts? Here you go. The bill everyone
Dec 24, 2010 . Beware of Government Praise of ObamaCare -- Facts Tell Different StoryJun 11,
Republicans are working to take away the healthcare protections Americans
3 days ago . Because "Facts are stubborn things. . or is the remaining mammoth of the law
. many provisions of the Affordable Care Act, the historic health reform bill that
Oct 12, 2011 . The Facts Pelosi Does NOT Want You To Know: . THE “KENNEDY HEALTH
Mar 3, 2012 . I have recently come across some scary facts about President Obama's health
3 days ago . As the Supreme Court considers the new health care law it is worthwhile looking
Mar 19, 2010 . I'll be on the new CNN show with Jon King that premieres at noon ET, available
Jun 10, 2011 . Here are some important facts about Obamacare and what its impact will be.
This bill does nothing to bring down the cost of health care. See the facts. Myth.
Read the full story at healthcare.gov. 32.5 million people with Medicare who used
May 12, 2011 . Do Mitt Romney's Health Care Claims Line up With the Facts? . While
Feb 10, 2012 . Is President Barack Obama's administration requiring the Catholic Church to
Mar 23, 2012 . Just the Facts: Obamacare's Effect on Ohio Two Years After Passage .
The Affordable Care Act provides new coverage options and tools you need to
Feb 10, 2012 . Nevertheless, as per obamacare facts any policies acquired after the date of
2 days ago . In weighing the constitutionality of the health care law's individual . These facts
An RNC ad falsely implies that the federal health care law is responsible for all of
Confusing doesn't even begin to describe it. Throughout the very long debate
5 days ago . The health care law “is going to come with a price tag pretty hefty, . A Web ad
A Quick Rundown of Major Provisions in the Health Care Bill Being Voted on in
On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and
Jan 15, 2012 . What is Obamacare? Find out the facts about its costs. Opponents . What are the
Jan 13, 2011 . Both sides in the health care debate are playing fast and loose with the facts
Jun 15, 2011 . First of all, under the health care bill, Medicare spending continues to . the
Mar 25, 2012 . In fact, the administration's speaking heads suggest that it just as legal as .
Mar 25, 2011 . 'RomneyCare' Facts and Falsehoods. We take a look at Massachusetts' health
Information on what the new health care law means for specific populations.
Mar 24, 2010 . Among the new health care bill facts: The legislation will bring tax hikes, mainly
On March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act became law. On July 1.
Mar 21, 2010 . Now back to the facts on Obamacare: 1.) The law expands entitlement spending
Aug 24, 2009 . Myths and Facts About Obamacare. Last week NBC News released a poll
Media Does Matter for America: The right media! The Media that tells the truth
Sep 22, 2010 . The mission of Health Reform Report is simple: to provide real facts about the
Jan 18, 2011 . Persistent myths continue about the health care law passed in 2010. . to
Sep 7, 2011 . The Massachusetts health care plan "dealt with 8 percent of our population," far
Sep 1, 2010 . Jane Hamsher, MFA Founder and Publisher of Firedoglake "Fact Sheet: The
Jan 7, 2011 . A 'Job-Killing' Law? House Republicans misrepresent the facts. Experts predict
pubId=35121359001 Facts about the health care law One of the biggest debates