Other articles:
outwardtrends.blogspot.com/. /true-skeptic-is-skeptical-of-snopes.htmlCachedSimilarJun 26, 2012 . Snopes.com, launched in 1995 by Barbara and David Mikkelsen, has become .
www.politifact.com/CachedSimilarMaybe when Trump travels, but not Obama . Says President Barack Obama's
directorblue.blogspot.com/. /president-barack-obamas-complete-list.htmlCachedSimilarNov 26, 2013 . First President to Lie About the Reason For an Ambassador's Death, Blaming it
www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2412865/postsCachedSimilarDec 22, 2009 . I would appreciate seeing two examples of “lies” on Snopes. . . No matter
urbanlegends.about.com/od/internet/a/snopes_exposed.htmCachedSimilarIs there any truth to the claim that Snopes.com is a liberal front organization? .
defendingthetruth.com/americas/37451-famous-presidential-lies.htmlCachedFamous Presidential Lies LBJ: We were attacked (in the Gulf of . "I, Barrack
skeptics.stackexchange.com/. /is-snopes-a-hoax-that-is-covering-up-for-the- obama-administrationCachedSimilarApr 19, 2011 . Here is an email accusing Snopes.com of deliberately "lying" and "covering up"
victoriajackson.com/. /soros-owns-snopes-and-kagan-protects-obamas-lieCachedSimilarNov 6, 2011 . Soros owns SNOPES and Kagan protects Obama's lie. Posted by . We-l-l-l-l now
www.ar15.com/. /1327024_Snopes_com__50_lies_told_by_Obama.htmlCachedjust came across this. There are tons and tons of entries regarding Obama on
www.orangepower.com/. /snopes-lies-funded-by-george-soros.153135/CachedSimilarReferencing the article about Elena Kagan and Barack Obama dockets: . Of
mnprager.wordpress.com/. /does-snopes-lie-perhaps-it-depends-upon-what- you-mean-by-the-word-lie/CachedSimilarMar 12, 2011 . Below is a note from someone who found a Snopes error. .or lie. . Referencing
sadhillnews.com/tag/snopesCachedSimilarDec 13, 2013 . …and don't get me started on Snopes.com . PolitiFact not only rewrote the
obamalies.net/list-of-liesCachedSimilarJan 26, 2010 . We're your source for the truth on Obama's Lies so far. . recent lies first. If you
www.factcheck.org/2009/04/snopescom/CachedSimilarApr 10, 2009 . Q: Is Snopes.com run by “very Democratic” proprietors? Did they lie to discredit a
www.birtherreport.com/. /2008-snopes-article-reports-barack.htmlCachedSimilarJul 29, 2010 . This was back in time over 2 years ago when SNOPES.com was on . protecting
www.topix.com/forum/city/cookeville-tn/TP56UGMBR8DRD59L0CachedSimilarOct 12, 2012 . Truthorfiction is their treatment of the email regarding'Obama's 50 lies.' Snopes
https://www.stormfront.org/forum/blogs/u227045-e3434/CachedJul 28, 2013 . "In 59 voting districts in the Philadelphia region, Obama received 100% of the .
12160.info/. /soros-owns-snopes-and-kagan-protects-obama-s-lieCachedSimilarMar 18, 2012 . Posted on November 6, 2011 by Victoria Jackson Snopes no more. It is owned by
whowhatwhy.com/. /do-republicans-lie-more-than-democrats-heres-whats- circulating/CachedSimilarJun 5, 2012 . Sometimes we just do the easy thing: go to Snopes, a quality site . is it that
www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/snopes.htmCachedSimilarAug 15, 2011 . Snopes.com accusing them being owned by a flaming liberal and this man .
danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com/2013/08/15/obama-252/CachedSimilarAug 15, 2013 . Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/alt.atheism/SbFqecsevGoCached50 Documented Obama Lies by Snopes, Joe Bruno, 10/15/12 12:19 PM. http://
www.breitbart.com/. /Obama-Caught-Lying-Again-He-WAS-Member-of- New-Party-Says-KurtzCachedSimilarJun 7, 2012 . Barack Obama was, in fact, a member of the socialist New Party in the 1990s and
www.obamamythbusters.com/CachedSimilarThe Top Ten Internet Myths about Barack Obama, debunked with the real facts!
jacksonville.com/. /fact-check-kagan’s-court-nomination-not-related-obama- casesCachedSimilarNov 7, 2010 . But it's an intriguing tale, made even more so by subsequent charges of lying
freepatriot.org/. /military-purge-underway-we-just-snoped-snopes/CachedSimilarOct 29, 2013 . Full List: 197 Officers removed from Obama's military during the purge. 2.) “Not a
www.dailykos.com/. /-People-are-lying-about-how-much-Obamacare-is- helping-themCachedSimilarOct 27, 2013 . People are lying about how much Obamacare is hurting them. by Draxinum . .
www.calldrmatt.com/Myth_Busting_108-Snopes_Alleged_Liberal_Bias_in_ Fact_Checking.htmCachedSimilarElena Kagan, who Obama appointed, and Snopes said the email was false and
curezone.com/forums/am.asp?i=1284141CachedSimilarAnother comparison of Snopes vs. Truthorfiction is their treatment of the email
www.thethinkingblue.com/snopesunderfire.htmlCachedSimilarThe GOP/TP is now after SNOPES hoping (with lies) it will go the way of ACORN.
message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=30101CachedSimilarhttp://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/50lies.asp 1.) Selma Got Me Born - LIAR,
boards.atlantafalcons.com/topic/. lies. of. snopes. /page__st__20CachedSimilarSnopes-No - posted in Anything but Football: The biggest untold . and
www.theminorityreportblog.com/. obama. /comment-page-1/CachedApr 19, 2014 . The disbarment story is a lie. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/lawlicenses.
kristof.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/21/lies-about-obama/CachedSimilarOct 21, 2008 . Of course, some Democrats say deceptive things about McCain as well, but I find
mystic444.wordpress.com/. /snopes-george-soros-elena-kagan-and-president -obama/CachedSimilarJun 20, 2012 . Elena Kagan, who Obama appointed, and Snopes said the email was . But I
www.obamaconspiracy.org/. /the-debunkers-guide-to-obama-conspiracy- theories/CachedSimilarA compilation of myths and conspiracy theories about Barack Obama and why
propagandaprofessor.net/. /the-biggest-baddest-brassiest-lies-about-barack- obama-and-a-few-dishonorable-mentions/CachedOct 6, 2012 . Snopes verified, for example, the Internet story about a 95-year-old veteran
www.politicususa.com/2013/10/. /its-amazing-people-obamacare.htmlCachedSimilarOct 2, 2013 . So, the right thing to do is seek out the fact-checkers at snopes.com, . the author
2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/snopes-busted/CachedSimilarSep 21, 2012 . Elena Kagan, who Obama appointed, and Snopes said the email was . History –
www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/. /facebook-hoaxes_n_4173982.htmlCachedSimilarNov 5, 2013 . "Obamacare Will Steal Money Straight From Your Bank Account! . . The problem
www.snopes.com/politics/obama/50lies.aspSimilarAccording to the New York Times: "I am a strong believer of the Islamic faith," Ms.
https://obamacare.net/CachedObamacare and Affordable Care Act enrollment info. We have helped more than
www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message494165/pg1SimilarThe vicious internet rumors about Barack Obama have already been proven
conwebwatch.tripod.com/stories/2012/massieobama.htmlCachedSimilarAug 21, 2012 . One of the lies Massie loves to tell is that Michelle Obama -- whom Massie . .
www.veteranstoday.com/. /snopes-debunks-small-arms-treaty-spam-as-gop- lies/CachedSimilarJul 17, 2012 . Fact: Obama Most Pro-Gun President, “Newsroom” and “Snopes” Sink . . This
citizenwells.wordpress.com/. /bill-oreilly-lies-and-misinformation-snopes-lies -and-misinformation-carol-bengle-gilbert-obama-supporter-or-paid-orwelli. SimilarApr 15, 2011 . Bill O'Reilly lies and misinformation, Snopes lies and misinformation, Carol
www.sodahead.com/united. /snopes-no. /question-3533357/CachedSimilarFeb 19, 2013 . anti-Obama information in it were negated by Snopes. I thought that . . Sorry I
www.wnd.com/2009/07/103306/CachedSimilarJul 7, 2009 . The mystery surrounding the precise birthplace of Barack Obama is deepening
www.politicsdecoded.info/obama/other_liesCachedSimilarOther Lies About President Obama. Among other . Tony Rezko: Snopes
https://www.facebook.com/carlgallups2/posts/495223467165237CachedSnopes.com lists 50 lies told by Obama! snopes.com: Obama's 50 Lies / Obama