Other articles:
Apr 27, 2011 . President Barack Obama just released his live birth certificate. Unfortunately,
May 13, 2011 . Anybody can open the White House released PDF in Illustrator and it will break
Apr 29, 2011 . The doubters have latched onto the idea that Adobe Illustrator — the premier
May 23, 2011 . Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator – Official Proof . . Do you really
May 12, 2011 . Latest Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator . First a fake Birth Cert
Apr 27, 2011 . Obama Long Form Birth Certificate - Fake. How stupid do they think we are?
Apr 27, 2011 . Obama Certificate of Live Birth released by the Obama campaign in 2008 . open
Apr 27, 2011 . UPDATE: Birth Certificate is FAKE! . Document opened by Adobe Illustrator. . .
Apr 29, 2011. release is layered. Obama birth certificate. 100% proof it is a FAKE . Definitely
Apr 28, 2011 . I just read about the "Illustrator" theory of President Obama's birth certificate being
Apr 29, 2011. the authenticity of the computer scan of Obama's birth certificate, and he . by
Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 4 ( OCR /
Apr 28, 2011 . He says President Obama's birth certificate has almost 50 layers. . so the
Apr 27, 2011 . When the White House PDF file is opened in Adobe Illustrator you can find layers
Apr 30, 2011 . From there he begins to explain what Adobe Illustrator is and how it is . From
Apr 27, 2011 . Markos Moulitsas likes the birth certificate release: It keeps the issue in the news.
Obama birth certificate fake? Posted April 28th, 2011 by darengphoto. Add
Apr 27, 2011 . This is what Obama's recently released PDF birth certificate looks like when
More and more people are downloading and opening the PDF provided by the
Apr 28, 2011 . Obama birth certificate is fake: created from multiple documents with . who have
Apr 27, 2011 . In short, we have no more proof of Obama's original birth certificate than we did .
Videos Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof http://
. file the White House has released as Obama's birth certificate this morning.
Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 2 . fuck me.
Obama's NEW Birth Certificate proven to be fake hours after release, page 1 .
YouTube - Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof 1 .
Jun 9, 2011 . Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator – Official Proof 2 ( Optimizing )
Apr 27, 2011 . Questions raised about Obama birth certificate's authenticity . when we subject
Apr 28, 2011 . Fake! The Obama birth certificate rumours begin. Barack Obama . Open up this
Obama Birth Certificate Faked In Adobe Illustrator - Official Proof . and present a
May 14, 2011 . WHO FORGED BARACK OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE? . long form birth
Apr 29, 2011. that President Obama's long form birth certificate is a photoshopped forgery —
Apr 30, 2011 . The doubters have latched onto the idea that Adobe Illustrator — the premier . .
Apr 29, 2011. Debunking the “Fake Obama Long-Form Birth Certificate” theory. . in a pdf
Apr 28, 2011 . Obama's Birth Certificate is fake . I'm also a tech head and I spend my day
Obama's Long Form Birth Certificate in Adobe Illustrator..It's a fake! By
Apr 29, 2011 . Fox News Report Says Layered Obama Birth Certificate Legit: Unlayered . by
May 9, 2011 . Is Obama Birth Certificate Fake? Adobe Illustrator Experts Think So (Watch The
Download Obama's official “birth certificate” here. If you open this pdf file in
Apr 28, 2011 . Our investigation of the purported Obama birth certificate released by . editing
Apr 27, 2011 . Critics: Obama's Latest Long-Form Birth Certificate Is a Fake … . (which shows
Is Obama Birth Certificate Fake? Adobe Illustrator Experts Think So (Watch The
Apr 28, 2011 . 'Birther' netizens are already calling Obama's birth certificate fake. . The PDF
Apr 28, 2011 . Our investigation of the purported Obama birth certificate released by . editing