Other articles:
https://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/fedc/. /Motzen07_1Dietmar_Fehr.pdfCachedSimilar. 3x3 normal-form games with belief elicitation or mouselab technique: □ Costa-
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www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/25056122.pdfRohde K.I.M.; see Herings P. J.-J. Roy S.; see Kamihigashi T. Sallum E.M.; see
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https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00607238/documentCachedJul 13, 2011 . Adopt the terminology of Nyarko and Schotter (2002) and refer to beliefs based
homes.eco.auckland.ac.nz/acha192/Conference%20Schedule.pdfCachedJan 16, 2008 . Paul Brown, University of Auckland: An Experimental Analysis of the Importance
faculty.cbpp.uaa.alaska.edu/jalevy/. /Foundations%20(Ch3).pdfCachedFigure 3.1. Time series of elicited beliefs and fictitious play beliefs of a subject
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https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/. / 5c1e8f9de474510d01cd1f0756150c2ac1b8.pdfCachedstudy (Nyarko-Schotter, 2002) we conduct an experiment where our experienced
furconference.org/fur-2016/. /parallel-session-5-beliefs-and-utility/CachedBelief elicitation is incentivized using a quadratic scoring rule (as in e.g. Nyarko
https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm?abstractid=970416SimilarAn analysis of the data from Nyarko and Schotter (2002) uncovers significant
www.dklevine.com/archive/refs4122247000000001148.pdfCachedSimilarDec 9, 2005 . features of elicited belief time series seen in this paper as well as Nyarko and
https://web.stanford.edu/~nlambert/papers/duality_may2017.pdfCachedNyarko and Schotter, 2002 use a scoring rule to elicit beliefs in games), the
https://www.cairn.info/load_pdf.php?ID_ARTICLE=RPEC_131_0155SimilarOne must nevertheless here keep in mind the fact that the adequacy of
www.claudianeri.com/Research_files/Neri_EXEC.pdfCachedfinitely-repeated (Nyarko and Schotter 2002, Rutström and. Wilcox 2009,
https://web.iem.technion.ac.il/images/user. /Erev_Haruvy_2005.pdfCachedNyarko & Schotter, 2002). The main goal of the current paper is to try to improve
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www.elias-tsakas.com/Research/Papers/ScoringRules.pdfCachedWhile this issue has been addressed experimentally (e.g., see Nyarko and
Using a proper scoring rule to elicit truthful beliefs about the actions of their
https://authors.library.caltech.edu/83572/CachedNov 29, 2017 . Abstract. Several recent studies in experimental economics have tried to
econ.ucsb.edu/~oprea/276alectures/Introduction.pdfCachedResolve an outstanding controversy/ambiguity (e.g. Ivanov et al. 2010). • Improve
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1468-0262.00316/abstractAbstract. This paper investigates belief learning. Unlike other investigators who
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https://www.researchgate.net/. /244384970_COMPARING_LEARNING_ MODELS_WITH_IDEAL_MICRO-EXPERIMENTAL_DATA_SETSMar 21, 2014 . The models compared are the Reinforcement Learning Model of Erev and Roth,
www.booksoutofprint.com.au/?page=shop/flypage&product_id. CachedAuthor Name: Schotter, Andrew & Nyarko, Yaw. Binding: Soft Cover. Book
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https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2014.00212/fullCachedSimilarSeveral studies show that providing foregone payoff information affects learning,
www.worldcat.org/title/study-guide. schotter/. /editions?. Cachedby James Yaw Nyarko; A Schotter. Print book. English. 1997. Reading, Mass. :
https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=0425118CachedYaw Nyarko, Andrew Schotter, Barry Sopher,. ""On the Informational Content of
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citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Cachedsubjects opt for the latter. However, Nyarko et al. (2006) show that when advice is
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Agent-Based Computational Economics Leigh Tesfatsion, Kenneth L. Judd.
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Consider Figures 3.3a–3.3d, taken from unpublished data of Nyarko and Schotter
yawnyarko.com/wp. /10/ExperimentalStudyofBeliefLearning.pdfCachedSimilarAuthor(s): Yaw Nyarko and Andrew Schotter. Source: Econometrica, Vol. 70, No.