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PC Computer Tips and Computer Tricks to Improve Computer Performance,
Hey Friends Welcome back today I am going to share few New Notepad hacks.
Aug 1, 2010 . This is one of the most popular notepad tricks because of its mysterious nature. In
Format a HDD with notepad Step 1. Copy The Following In Notepad Exactly as it
Notepad Pro is a new text editor, which will make your life a lot easier. Contact us
Oct 18, 2010 . 25 Responses to “notepad codes, for tricks and hacks”. EverydayTechable:
Notepad hacks and Tricks-2011 tricks. . http://www.desirocker.co.cc/2011/03/
This is one of the most popular notepad tricks because of its mysterious nature. In
Notepad is a age old app.. but today you will learn how to play with it and have
HD CMD+Notepad Tricks And Hacks Video - Verry Important plz subscribe to my
Hacking With Notepad. April 10, 2010 crazyankit Leave a comment. Here is how
Notepad Tricks Tutorial The Shutdown Virus on WN Network delivers the latest
Sep 21, 2010 . StumbleUpon Digg Twitter Delicious Reddit Technorati Facebook · Mixx Linkedin
Feb 10, 2011 . NT HACKS | HACKING TIPS TRICKS & PRANKS. English French . First type the
Funny and Danger Notepad Tricks. Posted by computric On October - 1 - 2011
Cool notepad Hacks easy and simple codes below Shutdown Computer save as
These are some tricks that i found and figured could be added on to [Only
Feb 22, 2011 . How To: Make Adobe Reader as Fast as Notepad ,Learn Hacking , Ethical
Notepad Tricks Hacks Papers and Research , find free PDF download from the
If you have been following Smashing Magazine for a while you know that we love
4 days ago . Notepad tricks. You might be using Notepad since long but there are few tricks
Feb 10, 2011 . NT HACKS | HACKING TIPS TRICKS & PRANKS. English French German Spain
Check out the latest notepad hacks videos and other funny videos from around
Mar 22, 2011 . 2011-03-22T17:46:00+05:30. Vamsi. Best NOTEPAD TRICKS|How To's|open cd
Thumbnail image for 'Command prompt hacks and tricks! (useful)' . Thumbnail
Apr 17, 2011 . Home » NOTEPAD TRICKS » Notepad Dot Trick . You Might Also Like:
Sep 18, 2010 . Hey Friends Welcome back today I am going to share few New Notepad hacks.
Sep 27, 2010 . 4 Responses to “Funny Notepad Hacks – Hack Your Friend's Keyboard and
Hey Friends Welcome back today I am going to share few New Notepad hacks. They
Oct 5, 2010 . LUTHERZ BLOG wrote a note titled Funny Notepad Hacks – Convey Your Friend
Notepad Tricks : Notepad codes and commands tricks.
Copy and Paste the following code in Notepad.
Oct 13, 2008 . Here is how you do a cool little hack with notepad. What it does is pops up a
Most common tricks used on Notepad is either HTML Coding or .Batch File
Oct 4, 2011 . Copy the code given below in notepad :- @echo off echo ipconfig /flushdns
But that is not the only thing for which notepad is famous. It is also famous for its
CMD hacks & Notepad hacks. First open CMD,. Next open notepad. If you write "
Sep 10, 2011 . NotePad Hacks : Tutorial. by T@J!I\II)ER. This codes can sent to you like any
Notepad Hacks. In-fact, using Notepad is more to do with writing Scripts in order
It can be used for hacking,creating viruses and having fun by using some tricks.
Feb 20, 2011 . Most of you must be aware about a tool called notepad. It is a simple text based
WARNING : Uploading batch files are ILLEGAL over the internet. This website is
When you create a new file and type some data, one unnamed default stream is