Other articles:
Feb 13, 2011 . Then, click on "Storage" and change your settings to use "Plain Text Files" (in
Jul 22, 2011 . Notational Velocity (or the fork I use, nvALT) follows the One Thing Well
Apr 21, 2011 . nvALT 2.0 - Notational Velocity Fork - StumbleUpon.
Maybe you remember Steven Frank's excellent Markdown fork. Today's mod
Oct 5, 2010 . Theres a new Notational Velocity fork available on the interwebs. What makes it
It's similar to Notational Velocity, although as far as I know it is not a fork.
Apr 9, 2011 . An interesting Notational Veolcity fork that supports live previews of
Dec 28, 2010 . nvALT adds several new features to Notational Velocity, including . I loved the
Those were unofficial mods (or “forks”) realized because of the open source
Quoted from http://brettterpstra.com/project/nvalt/
Aug 15, 2011 . Page2RSS page: nvALT 2.1 - Notational Velocity Fork (http://brettterpstra.com/
Jan 13, 2011 . Notational Velocity (NV) is a “modeless, mouseless Mac OS X . The original
nvALT is a fork of the original Notational Velocity with some additional features
Feb 10, 2011 . My SimpleNote client of choice on the Mac is Notational Velocity alt, a Notational
Mar 22, 2011 . After seeing it mentioned in several places, I installed this fork of Notational
I like nvALT (http://brettterpstra.com/project/nvalt/) as a replacement for notational
2 days ago . A call for folks interested in working on Notational Velocity - if you want to make
Dec 12, 2010 . The result is a fork of Notational Velocity by Brett Terpstra called Notational
Oct 13, 2010 . Notational Velocity Fullscreen Fork http://elasticthreads.tumblr.com/post/
nvALT is a fork of the original Notational Velocity by Brett Terpstra and
Notational Velocity Fork Gets Loads of Goodies. Posted on October 12, 2010 in
Aug 2, 2011 . nvALT is a fork by Brett Terpstra and David Halter/Elastic Threads, of Notational
Dec 6, 2010 . After my experiment last night, and finding DivineDominion's already-awesome
Aug 23, 2010 . Notational Velocity app, and hacked in a third pane that shows you the note you'
Anonymous asked: I have read over some of your Threshold project. I may sound
Notational Velocity forks are popping out everywhere: this one .
Feb 9, 2011 . Notational Velocity Alt (nvALT) is an incredible fork of one of my favorite Mac
Jan 28, 2011 . With this version of Notational Velocity (version 2.0β4) I've tried to curb the . I
Is there a way to have Notational Velocity start with a template file for every
Dec 7, 2010 . Elastic Threads has a fork of Notational Velocity that I really like which has great
Aug 23, 2010 . a Markdown enabled Notational Velocity fork. Media_http28mediatumb_ahaeh.
Oct 10, 2010 . my Notational Velocity fork adds some useful viewing options, like fullscreen
nvALT 2.1 - Notational Velocity Fork. http://brettterpstra.com/project/nvalt/. nvALT
Oct 13, 2010 . A killer Notational Velocity fork, with full-screen mode, horizontal editing and
Apr 7, 2011 . nvALT is a fork of the original Notational Velocity with some additional
Feb 10, 2011 . When I last posted, I described how I was using a Github-backed wiki as my
Apr 5, 2011 . Woot! nvAlt 2 is out! nvAlt 2.0 - Notational Velocity Fork. Run! Don't walk and
Dec 11, 2010 . A roadmap for the development of Notational Velocity ALT (nvALT) as it comes .
So go ahead and download the fork from the link above and use it as the regular
Jan 31, 2011 . Notational Velocity is only second to TextEdit as my favorite app on the .
Notational Velocity fork by Panic's Steven Frank. Comes with Markdown format
Mar 2, 2011 . There are also quite a few forks now, but overall there's been less . this new
Aug 1, 2011 . nvALT A fork of the original Notational Velocity with some additional features.
Notational Velocity ALT (nvALT)- Brett Terpstra .
Jan 14, 2011 . And it's somewhat irresponsible to point people toward an out of date fork. http://
Oct 29, 2010 . This one is pretty straightforward – Notational Velocity is completely free . .
Feb 17, 2011 . Brett and David (Elastic Threads) have just released nvALT 2.1, the latest version
Dec 26, 2010 . nvALT is a fork of the original Notational Velocity with some additional
nvALT is a fork of the original Notational Velocity with some additional features
Dec 12, 2010 . We've seen a number of Notational Velocity forks over the years (for example,