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Electrical pulses in the heart are controlled by special groups of cells called
The heterogeneity is important for the dependable functioning of the SA node as
The electrical signals start in a group of cells, called the sinus node, located in
The sinus node may send out signals too quickly, or it may send out extra signals.
The rhythm of your heart is normally controlled by a natural pacemaker — the
The sinoatrial node (SA Node, or SAN), also called the sinus node, is the initiator
In the right atrium you will find the sinoatrial (SA) node - the "pacemaker" of the
The actual structure that serves as the heart's primary pacemaker is called the
The regular resting beat of the heart is controlled by the sinoatrial (SA) node,
The heart is a muscle with a special electrical conduction system. The system is
Although all of the heart's cells have the ability to generate the electrical impulses
He also told me I had a swollen lymph node on my right side of my neck. I have
Sick sinus syndrome is the name for a group of heart rhythm problems (
The SA node sets the rhythm of your pulse and the AV node sets the rhythm of
In the upper part of the right atrium of the heart is a specialized bundle of neurons
[Morphofunctional characteristics of the myocardium and regional lymph nodes of
Jun 8, 2008 . Heart problem with no available warning. I have ICD implant plus AV node
The Heart's Structures: The Electrical System. Overview SA Node AV Junction
Heart nodes are specialized tissues that behave as both muscle and nervous
However, if the AV node is triggered with a higher pulse frequency, it follows this
Electrical impulses from your heart muscle (the myocardium) cause your heart to
The atrioventricular node (abbreviated AV node) is a part of the electrical control
Heart rate is normally determined by the pacemaker activity of the sinoatrial node
In case of the heart, adrenaline acts as a gas pedal and causes the sinus node to
Apr 3, 2009 . This stock medical exhibit depicts the normal anatomy of the heart and
This is the anterior right atrial branch which gives rise to the important nodal
Apr 6, 2011 . Sinus node dysfunction (SND) first appeared in the literature as a clinical .
Two nodes in the heart coordinate the electrical impulses that regulate the split-
The heart's natural pacemaker - the SA node - sends out regular electrical
There are two nodes (masses of tissue) present in the heart that play an
Mar 29, 2011 . We're basically going to look at how this results in the heart beating automatically
The transmission delay at the AV node in the heart allows both ventricles to relax
Jun 2, 2011 . The electrical impulses begin in or pass through small areas of muscle cells
Also called “sinus node dysfunction,” SSS is not a specific disease, but a group of
Sep 27, 2011 . The sinus node is the normal pacemaker of the heart and controls the heart rate.
The electrical system of the heart consists of the SA node (sino-atrial node), the
AV Node Ablation (AVNA) Used to treat rapid irregular heart beats, AV Node
Apr 22, 2006 . The atrioventricular (AV) node is a section of nodal tissue that lies near the
Under normal conditions, electrical activity is spontaneously generated by the SA
The sinus node is a small cluster of cells in the upper right chamber, or atrium, of
The two nodes are the SA (sino atrial) node and the AV (atrio ventricular) node.
Train smarter with a Node 1 digital computer that reads ANT+ signals for speed,
Apr 27, 2011 . The sinus node is the heart's natural pacemaker. The sinus node consists of a
[The structural organization of the regional lymph nodes of the heart in the acute
Animation: Conducting System of the Heart . Action potentials originate in the
The Sinoatrial Node (often called the SA node or sinus node) serves as the
Mar 19, 2012 . home > medterms medical dictionary a-z list > av node definition . Medical
Nodes on we heart it / visual bookmark #25653317.