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This graph is known as the competition graph or niche overlap graph, and its
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dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2274724.2275294Niche overlap graphs (frequently called competition graphs) have become
www.ecosym.univ-montp2.fr/software/nicheoverlap.RCachedfunction to compute the niche overlap between N species along a trait axis . if
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A circuit exists if a path can be traced between some or all of the vertices along
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www.pnas.org/content/74/10/4533.full.pdfSimilarniche overlaps to be described in a one-dimensional niche space if and only if
projecteuclid.org/download/pdffirstpage_1/euclid.rmjm/1250129357Dec 1, 1977 . A food web is a directed graph that tells which kinds of organisms nourish which
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dx.doi.org/10.1137/1.9781611970401.ch55.1. Boxicity. A very interesting class of intersection graphs is that class arising
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Form a food web, we can further derive an niche overlap graph. In an ecosystem,
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www.readcube.com/articles/10.1038/nature02327Both are essentially based on the concept of ecological niche, with the . The
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