Other articles:
Mar 7, 2012 . Newspaper Name Capitalized and Italicized, pp. section number (if available)first
Some titles take quotation marks or italics (for Web copy, we recommend
Jul 6, 2011 . Capitalize names of University of Minnesota colleges, divisions, departments and
If a newspaper article does not have an author, then provide details as an in-text
Jun 27, 2000 . If the city is not part of the name of an American newspaper, it should be added at
The following are italicized: art exhibit titles and catalogues; book titles;
T: (Author Last Name Year of Publication, Page/s Referenced) . Title of
Cartoons and illustrations included in newspapers, magazines or other . . Name
Oct 1, 2011 . Newspaper name (in italics) and section, pages and date followed by period. If
Reference: APA: Newspaper. In Print In order to cite a newspaper in APA include:
If part of the title is in italics you have to decide whether it is another title within the
Jan 4, 2001 . The titles of newspapers and magazines are italicized. 4. . The names of ships,
If the publication city is not present in the newspaper name, place the city, without
Capitalize when used before the name; lowercase when used alone or after the
Aug 13, 2006 . Times Online Online Style Guide - T "<I>The Times</I> almost always use italics
Jun 7, 2011 . Italicize the title of a magazine, newspaper, or journal. . (Enclose article names
The names of newspapers must be capitalized. No italics are to be used. If a
These things require italics: - Book titles - Film titles - Radio program titles - Long
Sep 18, 2009. 1960s, the 1990s. As a general rule, do use 's after names that end with an s or
Improve. The name of a newspaper is italicized. Underlining is a hold-over from
Feb 28, 2009 . Want to know how to use italics? . It should be capitalized and italicized. . Rule
A: AP doesn't use italics in news stories. That includes newspaper names and
No, newspaper names should be in italics. Further reading can be done here:
Web. 16 July 2009. <http://find.galegroup.com>. Newspaper Article in Print: Last
Books are italicized (or underlined) and articles are put in quotation marks. . The
This includes CD titles, song names, novel titles, article titles, movie titles, etc.
Dec 22, 2011 . Author's last name, First name. "Title of the article." Newspaper Title italics. (city, if
In addition to book and magazine titles, use italics for titles of newspapers,
Is a newspaper name underlined or put in quotes? So I'm writing a paper .
For example: "I saw your advertisement in the Springfield Times." Put the name of
Feb 15, 2005 . Titles of newspaper and magazine articles are also enclosed in quotation marks.
Aug 20, 2009 . AP doesn't like quotation marks around names of newspapers and magazines,
Q. Hi there. Please advise those of us who have to deal with music questions in
Oct 23, 2009 . In addition, you're not supposed to put the word “the” in italics when it is part of a
The italic title should be removed. Many newspaper articles incorporate the
In writing the titles of newspapers, do not italicize the word the, even when it is
Generally, the titles of shorter works, such as essays or shorter poems, are not
Are names of newspapers italicized? In: Publishing, Newspapers and Magazines
Names of newspapers and magazines should be put in italics or underlined. First
Feb 18, 2009 . Re: italics for newspaper titles. If the article is part of the name of the paper, which
newspaper names: Set the names of newspapers and sections of newspapers
The name of a magazine or newspaper: El País. An italicized title containing the
By-line Author-First Name first, "Article Title,"-in quotation marks, Newspaper Title
Newspaper names should be italicized. bimonthly – Means every other month.
Jan 30, 2008. was not italicized because that is not part of the actual name of the .
Omit any introductory articles (e.g. A, An, The) from the newspaper name. If the
Feb 3, 2010 . Article in Newspaper. The general format for a newspaper article is: Author
. or Newspaper), 10. Music/Concert Review (Magazine or Newspaper) .
Apr 18, 2011 . Quotes (p. 67). Italics (8.185). Newspapers. Italics (8.166) — unless part of name
Newspapers. Newspaper names are italicized. Use maximal capitalization -