Other articles:
Jul 15, 2006 . This is one of my very favorite musicals. I hope you have fun doing my quiz. .
Feb 24, 2012 . “So You Think You Can Dance” alum and current Newsies boy Evan Kasprzak
Mar 13, 2011 . Play the Newsies lyrics Quiz on Sporcle, the best trivia and game site on the web!
This quiz about the musical Newsies is to test your knowledge behind quotes
All day you look forward to going home to watch Newsies 4. You quote lines from
Quotes that Changed History . Blood Drips Quiz · Obsession Test . In 1899 the
Great Film Quotes By Decade · 50 Great Movie Quotes · Most Popular Movie . . A
eBook: Newsies Quotes. 13 Results. Sponsored Links. Dave Thomas: Dave
5 days ago . 'Newsies' improves as it makes the jump from 1992 movie flop to the . Karl Marx:
Oct 5, 2011 . Happy birthday Chet: The Chester Arthur Trivia Quiz! . the songs, some of the
May 16, 2008 . Do you know Newsies? quiz. Lets see how much you know about The Famous
Nov 10, 2010 . Play the Finish the Quote: Newsies Quiz on Sporcle, the best trivia and game site
For lower grades: Quizzes and supplements touch on geography. location, .
3 days ago . 3 - FC wins Quiz Bowl. (4) . . For the previous day's report, check out Newsies in
Quiz in the subject 'Newsies' at quiz4fun.com - How much do you know about .
Which Newsie are you? Spot? Jack? David? Racetrack? Kid Blink? Mush? Boots
Newsies is a 1992 Disney live action film musical starring Christian Bale, David
Jun 29, 2011 . Was james franco in the newsies? ChaCha Answer: No, James Franco was not
This is a personality quiz to find out who would be best for you! (I cannot put. . If
Apr 5, 2012 . Happy Little (or big) Newsies. Yesterday was my . . Concussion syndrome quote
Mar 29, 2012 . Remembering the final dress rehearsal of Newsies the Musical at Paper . …stay
Test Your Broadway Knowledge with the New Tony Awards Trivia Quiz. . This
A Newsies site with alot of good info! . Quotes that Changed History . . on
Newsie Quotes (if you haven't seen the movie)If you happen to be here but haven
Newsies. Star Wars. Blazing Saddles. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. 5. . How
Pirates of the Caribbean Quotes quiz Written by sparrowsgirl2463 Added 19th
Quizzes at Fun Trivia . Welcome to our world of fun trivia quizzes and quiz
quote message. hey guys! dont be afraid to comment! you dont have to only
Quiz « Thread Started on Aug 8, 2006, 7:47pm », [Quote]. This Quiz will
Thousands of quizzes and quiz questions and answers about Newsies . . This
May 7, 2008 . Check out the Ultimate Newsies Quiz quiz and make some fun quizzes of your
So ya think ya know Newsies, huh? Well lets see bout that. Quiz. . 1, Finish this
Purpose in Newsies: He is the pessimist of the Manhattan Newsies. (hey . Most
Definition of newsie from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
Fanpop community fan club for Newsies fans to share, discover content and
Jul 10, 2003 . This quiz about the musical Newsies is to test your knowledge behind quotes
Live and Learn from the Newsies · Quotes that Changed History ·
Review: A failed effort to revive the big-budget movie musical, Newsies attempted
Quizzes. These are a bunch of Newsies related quizzes i've found around the net
wich newsie r u Take this quiz! do you like to stay ontop of everything are u a
NEWSIE QUIZ. ~So. ya think you know Newsies huh? Check and find out!~.
May 14, 2008 . Check out the Which Newsies Charater Are YOU? quiz and make some fun
The best, the biggest, the most pretentious, the most difficult Newsies Quiz in the
One of the newsies crosses himself infront of the nuns. True False 3. Crutchy gets
Question 3. Jack: "Well then we'll SOAK 'EM" David: "No, we can't beat up kids in
Dec 10, 2010. Will Know". Buzz Time Machine: Christian Bale Gets Musical in Newsies . . TV
57 discussion posts. Ner said: This was inspired by a imdb discussion along
Another awesome fanfic site, plus a bunch of other cool Newsies stuff. Very
there will be alot of things here such as: newsies quiz, know you newsies,
My Little "Newsies" Quiz (You'll need a . What was the quote on the statue? 3.