Dec 23, 11
Other articles:
  • The No Fly List is different from the Terrorist Watch List, a much longer list of . ..
  • Jul 2, 2008 . Nelson Mandela has been classified as a terrorist since the time of . Nelson
  • Jul 20, 2011 . The terrorist's name is Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first democratically elected
  • May 8, 2011 . Peter Kosminsky, who made the controversial Israel-Palestine drama The
  • Nelson Mandela, founded MK, which was defined as a terrorist organisation by
  • Aug 15, 2011 . 'Terrorist' Nelson Mandela never renounced violence thumbnail. A group of
  • Sep 30, 1998 . Murderous black Marxist terrorist Nelson Mandela visits South Africa's Robben
  • Jul 2, 2008 . Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress party have been removed
  • Jul 16, 2010 . Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of
  • Apr 10, 2008 . The African National Congress (ANC) was designated as a terrorist . "Amazingly
  • 'Terrorist Nelson Mandela' portrayal in film by Peter Kosminsky. Issue no. 105, 26
  • Jun 5, 2008 . Read for yourself about terrorist Nelson Mandela's crimes (most have never
  • Nelson Mandela belongs to a cadet branch of the Thembu dynasty, which reigns
  • Jul 13, 2006 . It's very hard now to imagine Nelson Mandela as a terrorist. He is the most
  • Jul 1, 2008 . Who knew Nelson Mandela was on the US terror watch list? . Nelson Mandela
  • Aug 15, 2010 . After all, she once described former president Nelson Mandela as a terrorist…”. It
  • May 2, 2008 . Nobel Peace Prize winner and international symbol of freedom Nelson Mandela
  • Nelson Mandela was a terrorist. He used arms struggle for making his point. He
  • Nelson Mandela: Hero or Terrorist. By Angela Nitchman for Rights, Rebellion and
  • Because he was a member of the African National Congress and they were all
  • Jul 1, 2008 . US President George W Bush signs a bill removing Nelson Mandela and South
  • Jul 3, 2008 . Anyone who thinks the "War on Terror" will be declared over anytime soon
  • Aug 16, 2011 . This is a story about Nelson Mandela, the world-famous "freedom . .. of the evil
  • Apr 30, 2008 . WASHINGTON — Nobel Peace Prize winner and international symbol of freedom
  • Jul 17, 2011 . Once viewed as a 'terrorist', Nelson Mandela has become a global icon . the
  • NELSON MANDELA, Nobel lecture, 1993. I was called a terrorist yesterday, but
  • May 24, 2011 . Nelson Mandela, terrorist or freedom fighter?” discussion on The Student Room's
  • Just letting you guys know. A lot of people do not realise he is a terrorist. The
  • Jun 27, 2010 . Nelson Mandela is a convicted terrorist who was connected to various bombings
  • Jul 5, 2008 . Well, according to the United States he was a terrorist, but now he is a highly
  • Jul 1, 2008 . Former South African President Nelson Mandela is to be removed from a U.S. . "
  • May 1, 2008 . Nobel Peace Prize winner and international symbol of freedom Nelson Mandela
  • May 8, 2008 . Tweet TweetLike many environmental and animal rights advocates, even Nelson
  • Jul 27, 2003 . The man making those statements was Nelson Mandela, who just turned . The
  • Aug 29, 2006 . Nelsonmandela Was the ANC a terrorist organisation, pure and simple? It is a
  • 1) the accepted UK definition of a terrorist. 2) the classification of Nelson Mandela
  • Mar 9, 2011 . He needs no introduction. Mr. Nelson Mandela. Hero. Freedom Fighter. Nobel
  • 176 / Nelson Mandela: Terrorist. Nelson Mandela is one of the most revered of
  • Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. . ..
  • Yes and along with his cohorts he was killing innocent white farmers. His ex Wife
  • May 7, 2008 . Noble Prize winner Nelson Mandela is on the terrorist watch list and not even
  • Apr 10, 2008 . The United States government still has Nelson Mandela on its terrorist watch list.
  • 'How much longer will the Prime Minister allow herself to be kicked in the face by
  • May 9, 2011 . Nelson Mandela is well known as an advocate of peace, a fighter for equality and
  • Jan 15, 2010 . Woe betide the organization or individual who lands on America's terrorist list.
  • The Nelson Mandela incident serves as an excellent example. . Rob Anders
  • Jun 9, 2009 . Nelson Mandela Madiba did not go to prison for throwing stones in protest.
  • only a white supremacist (conservative/teabagger/republican) would consider
  • Nelson Mandela was a terrorist according to certain Western nations, did we
  • Nelson mandela=terrorist - what a cunt | Facebook.

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