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Synonyms of organism names for the NCBI taxonomy .
Read data from NCBI taxonomy files, traverse taxonomic ranks, get scientific .
Query the database by keywords (species name) or NCBI taxonomic identifier.
Aug 26, 2010 . Species: NCBI taxonomy identifier for species, followed by the scientific and the
Gene Identifiers. (Entrez Gene). Entrez Gene Identifier various identifiers
You may also provide a valid NCBI taxonomy identifier in the NCBI taxonomy ID
NCBI taxonomy identifier. Scientific_name. Number_of_interactions. 4932
Jan 19, 2011 . I added some new functionality to the taxonomy repository at Google Code, . to
NCBI Taxonomy ID. Actinobacteria Corynebacterium glutamicum. Actinobacteria
NCBI taxonomy term identifier. NCBI tax ID. Definitions. A stable unique identifier
Mar 13, 2009 . The Taxonomy ID (TaxID or taxon number) is a stable unique identifier for each
NCBI taxonomy IDs: they will appear as leaves in the generated tree, regardless
bin/bash # Download NCBI's taxonomic data and GI (GenBank ID) taxonomic
iRefIndex_Interactions_by_taxonomy_beta8. Page 1. NCBI taxonomy identifier.
Jan 1, 2005 . This approach required that we adopt the NCBI taxonomic identifiers (5) (http://
Feb 11, 2010 . LINNAEUS: a species name identification system for biomedical literature. .
Apr 29, 2010 . Multiple identifiers separated by "|". Reference describing the Reactome project
ncbiTaxID (optional,integer) – The NCBI taxonomy identifier of the species of
cPSORTdb general fields. The following table lists the general .
NCBI Taxonomy and RefSeq identifiers for the 16 genomes described in the
To search a specific field, select "taxonomic name", "common name", "PI name", "
NCBI Gene Name: Ensembl Gene ID: GO ID: NCBI Taxonomy ID: Organism (
Feb 17, 2011 . The NCBI provides unique taxonomic identifiers for all organisms (taxons) that
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor A. Database name for NCBI taxid taken
NCBI taxonomy identifier. NCBI tax ID. Definitions. A stable unique identifier for
Aug 13, 2011 . Taxon. A Taxon is a node in the NCBI Taxonomy: class Taxon { public: /* node id
Whereas external identifiers are useful for some things, such as chemical
See all taxonomic identifiers in NCBI Taxonomy database, or all gene identifiers
Entry ID. This contains the UniProt primary ID for SwissProt and TrEMBL
There's an optional source attribute identifying the ID as being an Ensembl ID.
Dec 3, 2008 . SEED identifiers contain the NCBI taxonomy ID, thus if the taxonomy ID changes,
Reference ID: A number corresponding to the publication for which this data was
NCBI taxonomy identifier. The NCBI taxonomy identifier (see http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Interaction data in BioGRID can be accessed via the BioGRID .
Read data from NCBI taxonomy files, traverse taxonomic ranks, get scientific
NCBI taxonomy ID of the pathogenic species. Pathogen species. Systematic
Get the NCBI Taxonomy. Download the taxonomy from the NCBI FTP server .
The NCBI Taxonomy database is a curated set of names and classifications for
Aug 6, 2011 . The question is whether, given a (long) list of Genbank identifiers, is possible to
97% of all mentions in PubMed Central full-text documents resolved to
How to reference the NCBI taxonomy database · How to create . How to create
Users can refer to the corresponding data via a link to the NCBI taxonomy .
ments by the LINNAEUS species name identification system [7] for biomedical
NCBI taxonomy identifier. Scientific_name. Number_of_interactions. 4932
The second argument is the identifier for the Member. . for ENSEMBLGENE and
Retrieving taxonomic information for a given sequence: fastacmd -d nt -s 555 -T
Mar 31, 2011 . Any sequence submitted to GenBank gets a NCBI taxonomy identifier (hereafter
Tax ID - search by NCBI Taxonomy ID;; Organism Name - search by scientific or
NCBI Taxonomy identifier for interactor A. Database name for NCBI taxid taken .
ments by the LINNAEUS species name identification system [7] for biomedical