Other articles:
www.clagettregatta.org/board-of. /ron-hopkins-vice-presidentCached. he has participated in numerous Newport to Bermuda Races, PHRF and IMS .
dorade.org/2011/09/06/sail-for-pride/CachedSep 6, 2011 . Greg is going to work on our rating for the weekend for NBYA PHRF. The plan is
www.phrf-nb.org/2012/PHRFratings.htmCachedSimilar2012 PHRF-NB Ratings List - as of 1/21/2013 2:22:13 PM. PHRF Num,
nbya.org/racing/schedule/CachedSimilar8/16, NBYA PHRF SNE Championships Dinner tickets ($25.00) on-line or at the
https://sites.google.com/site/chnycorg/fleets/phrf/faq---phrfAnswer: PHRF racing allows sail boats of different types to compete against each
www.hhcri.org/Portals/. /Hospice%20Regatta%20SI_09-11-2013.pdfCachedSep 14, 2013 . 2.1 Any yacht with a valid PHRF‐NB certificate is eligible to enter. . count toward
barringtonyc.com/files/2008/. /byc_race_centennial_2008notice.pdfCached1.5 This regatta is a qualifying event for NBYA Boat of the Year. 1.6 This regatta is
www.phrf-nb.org/2013/PHRFratings.htmCachedSimilar2013 PHRF-NB Ratings List - as of 5/20/2014 9:42:19 PM . . 6786, Brandon,
nbya.org/phpbb3/index.phpCachedRegistered users: Google [Bot] Legend: Administrators, Global moderators,
offsoundings.org/pdffiles/2014/2014%20NOR.pdfCachedThey are area events drawing entrants from ECSA, NBYA, ELIYA,. YRA-LIS . will
www.ilyc.org/links.htmlCachedSimilarhttp://www.leukemiacup.org/ri. NBYA - Narragansett Bay Yachting Assoc http://
The name of the Narragansett Bay Yachting Association Junior Race Week “
sailinganarchy.com/race-calendar-and-results/CachedSimilarMay / 2014. 26/May-31/Oct, -, The Mount Gay Rum Around Jamestown Record - (
www.phrf-nb.org/2014/PHRFratings.htmCached2014 PHRF-NB Ratings List - as of 10/2/2014 2:54:29 PM. PHRF Num,
www.the-hurds.com/resumes/resume1.htmCachedSaturday and Sunday around-the-buoys PHRF racing in western Long Island . .
www.edgewood-yc.com/index.php/sailingCachedEYC and its members are active in NBYA's (Narragansett Bay Yachting Ass'n)
www.ahyconline.net/Contacts_%26_Links.htmlCachedhttp://www.erh.noaa.gov/er/box/. NBYA. http://www.nbya.org/. PHRF. http://www.
www.ecsa.net/juniors/regattaeventsCachedSimilarPHRF Look Up · PHRF Application · ECSA Handicappers . Jul 13-14, NBYA
https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src. calendar.google. CachedBasic Sail Training. Basic Sail Training. Basic Sail Training. SORI training. R19
www.seaspriteassociation.com/. /2014-narraganset-bay-racing/CachedMar 9, 2014 . You will need a PHRF rating from NBYA that will cost $35. You can race in your
www.marinewaypoints.com/pages/. /Yacht. /index.htmlCachedFounded in 1899, BYC offers one-design & PHRF racing, a junior sailing
www.farrdesign.com/2006.htmCachedSimilarNBYA Big Boat Series: Pineapple Cup. 2nd PHRF A, EVOLUTION, . 8/06.
www.myc.org/racing/phrfCachedThe club hosts PHRF racing on Thursday nights. Any sailboat in the harbor,
www.findeen.es/nbya_phrf.htmlCachedThe hottost style jordan 6 for sale.We offer the lowest price and real brand for
j30.us/files/Rhapsody/Rhapsody-times-2014.xlsxCached23, July, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12EGYC Reg, 13, 9/80A NBYA Super Weds. 24, Warren,
nbya.org/ai1ec_event/707-2/CachedNBYA PHRF SNE Championship Regatta. Back to Calendar · Tickets. When:
cyc.clubsitesolutions.com/registration/CachedRegatta entry fees and NBYA membership expenses are additional, but . . Yacht
www.pgey.com/pdf/phrf-nb.htmlCached2014 NBYA PHRF of Southern New England Championship Notice of Race
accolo.com/pg/book.php?id=book-38-711-christmas. CachedYou will need a PHRF rating from NBYA that will cost $35.. The Sea Sprite 23 has
www.eclipsetrophy.com/Client_List.htmlCachedHawaii PHRF Head of the Bay Club Hempstead Harbour Club . Narragansett
www.newportyachtclub.org/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=29463CachedAug 16, 2014 . NBYA Southern New England PHRF Championship. The Newport Yacht Club
www.jamestownpress.com/. /Ida_Lewis_starts_Friday_inaugural_PHRF_ championshi.htmlCachedAug 14, 2014 . Ida Lewis starts Friday; inaugural PHRF championship on Saturday . Since it no
www.sailnewport.org/regatta-results-archiveCachedSimilarNBYA Junior Race Week: Opti Overall, Opti RWB, Opti Green, Club 420, Laser
www.jyc.org/Downloads/2005NOR.pdfCachedMay 5, 2005 . Schedule: Details for all races can be found at www.nbya.org. Warning .
wickfordyc.org/crewtext.phpCachedExperience: Willing to take on any position; I'm to the area but not to PHRF racing
tivertonyachtclub.org/index.php/racingCachedBoats are divided into three classes depending upon PHRF rating. . bay such as
www.southernmasssailing.com/southern-massachusetts-sailing-association.aspCachedSimilar. and the Narragansett Bay Yachting Association in forming the New England .
fleet14.j105.org/content/results99.htmCachedThere are still no "official" results from NBYA, but I've corrected the results . . a
twentyhundredclub.org/miscellaneous/Cached. Club Marine Consignment of Wickford Narragansett Bay PHRF Narragansett
www.j35-fleet7.com/races/04NAC_NoR.pdfCachedPHRF, AMERICAP II, Classic, and 12 Metre divisions will race in the first segment
chnyc.us/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=192CachedApr 11, 2013 . If you haven't received your 2013 PHRF Rating Certificate renewal form in the . If
www.tboat.com/T35/T35-results.htmlCachedSimilarFirst in Class, 1st overall Narragansett Bay Yachting Association Season . Rolex
nbya.org/shop/. /28-2014-membership-and-all-nbya-regattas.htmlCachedNBYA PHRF SNE Championship 16 August 2014. Season savings - SAVE $
www.phrf-nb.org/CachedSimilarThe hottost style jordan 6 for sale.We offer the lowest price and real brand for
2013.newportharborguide.com/publication/?i=211722&p=86Cached. rules regatta JamestownYC nBYa phrF Sne Championship regatta NewportYC
www.bristolyc.com/. /2012AboutSEASPRITE%20ChampionshipSeries.pdfCachedSee Notice of Race for specifics and register to race at the NBYA website . is