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A stylesheet can use the xsl:namespace-alias element to declare that one
The xsl:namespace-alias element is used to replace a namespace (prefix) in a .
23.1.1 Namespace Alias. Alternative name can be used to refer to a namespace
There are six aliases defined for namespaces: WP: and Project: (both for the "
Comments (0). One of the little known features of .NET is that you can give
Nov 22, 2011 . The thing is that if I have to use namespace alias, then I have to write this alias in
A namespace-alias is an alternative name for a namespace. Grammar.
Mar 19, 2009 . XSLT-by-example. xsl:namespace-alias. namespace-alias_1-input.xml. <?xml
Feb 21, 1999 . To: egcs-bugs at egcs dot cygnus dot com; Subject: namespace alias and using
On some wikis there are also namespace aliases: alternative names that will also
Namespace Alias « Language Basics « C# / CSharp Tutorial.
Do a copy of an namespace list. If @node is non-NULL the new namespaces are
Mar 18, 2011 . The way to think of it is not that, but rather you have an alias set up to alias the
Sep 9, 2010 . In C++, it's good practice to explicitly specify the namespace of a class instead of
. to a different namespace in the output. Note: <xsl:namespace-alias> is a top-
Creating a namespace alias (C++ only). An alternate name can be used in order
The solution to this problem is to use long, unique namespace names, and then
In the X.500, you can set a leaf entry to point to another object in the namespace.
Mar 15, 2011 . Yii uses path aliases extensively. A path alias is associated with a directory or file
Mar 12, 2004 . The C# team posts answers to common questions and describes new language
PHP namespaces support three kinds of aliasing or importing: aliasing a class
A namespace alias cannot be equal to an interwiki prefix. For example, a wiki
Jul 14, 2009 . In the second part of Craig's PHP namespaces series, he looks at importing,
The ability to access a member in the global namespace is useful when the
new namespace-alias : namespace alias « XSLT stylesheet « XML Tutorial.
Code using this namespace alias compiles fine but the code autocompletion
Sep 17, 2010 . <xsl:namespace-alias> : Assign a prefix to a namespace. This is a pretty obscure
Namespace Aliases. Again to save you from having to specify the fully qualified
Understand what Namespace is. Learn how to implement the using directive.
Jun 14, 2011 . We use using to define alias. There are 2 types of Alias 1. Namespace Alias:
The ability to access a member in the global namespace is useful when the
Aug 6, 2011 . In a code behind file (like .cs file), one can use aliases for the namespaces like
Another way to shorten the fully qualified name is to create a namespace alias.
Namespaces allow to group entities like classes, objects and functions under a
Jan 11, 2010 . This video will show you about namespace, alias for namespace & comments in
After installing the alias, every method or function call using it will be
A namespace alias is an alternative name for a namespace.
What is a "namespace alias" in C++? How is it used? . A namespace alias is a
<xs:element name="namespace-alias" substitutionGroup="xsl:declaration">. <xs:
Mar 16, 2011 . Easily get over namepsace ambiguity with Sitecore classes by using C#'s
Aug 22, 2009 . After installing the alias, every method or function call using it will be
An XML Schema Tutorial demonstrating how to use namespaces, target
Jul 8, 2008 . Namespaces are ideal for organising your classes and structures. As software
I have been trying to learn more about the C# language, but I haven't . That is a
Nov 19, 2010 . namespace-alias hosted on GitHub. . Read+Write access. namespace-alias /.
Nov 16, 1999 . XSL element namespace-alias. Literal Result Elements. In a template, an
Feb 7, 2011 . The Saxon XSLT and XQuery processor, developed by Michael Kay.
Apr 18, 2007 . In most cases, when there are namespace conflicts, developers tend to use the
The filters, aliases and namespace elements/attributes which create the filters are
This is where <xsl:namespace-alias> comes to the rescue. It lets you define a “