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My Google-Fu is weak and the best I could come up with was a pirate ship name
One of the many small parts of Bank's SF that really got me hooked was the fact
The Star Trek science fiction franchise included a large number of starships,
Aug 7, 2011 . Play the Star Trek - Starfleet Starship Names (All Ships) Quiz on Sporcle, the best
The following is a list of all Starships mentioned in FE Canon, whether that be via
Question, what name should the flagship of the human's be? (Space Sim set in
The following is an alphabetical list of US Navy ships. Ships which are named
Apr 3, 2011 . All more or less certain origins of the names (meaning the . See also: Possible
According to the Memory Alpha page about the Tholian Web: "The Defiant is not
Look into the various works of Iain M. Banks; his Culture series features AI
Banks composed many of the Culture ships' names very carefully to express the
View a 'Gallery of Classic Star Trek Ships' (original art) & read 'A Time before .
Nov 9, 2005 . As Old Man 2005 creaks toward his last weeks and bouncing baby 2006 begins
Federation starship names (A) Federation starship names (B) Federation starship
So frickin' hilarious! And what's even better is how everyone just goes along with
Supernatural 6x19 - Dean Names The Hybrids Jefferson Starships [HQ]. by
Names for future Vesta Class Starships Trek Literature.
Starship Names & Numbers 1/1000 Scale Decals from JTGraphics-Additional
May 4, 2011 . Seven ships have borne the name since the start of the various series, 'boldly
How do you name your ships? Battlefleet Gothic Discussion.
While many of the ships originated in other countries and no doubt had names in
Famous ships in history with images and notes. . is a list of over 100 of the most
Oct 16, 2011 . The database lists all canon starships and other spaceborne constructions of the
May 21, 2004 . Names for Ships. SF gamers love starships, and I'm no exception. And those
This java applet allows the generation of random names for star ships. The "
This is a list of the fictional Star Trek universe's Starfleet ships organized by ship
Federation ships first action when approaching a friendly/unidentified ship is to
Why there is no starship in the B5, or ST universe for that matter, with the
Jan 1, 1970 . 'In addition to the twelve starships, there are lesser classes of vessels, . size,
Apr 29, 2011 . The brothers track Eve to Oregon and discover that she's converted an entire
Ship Names-Generates ship names in a variety of style - perfect for anything from
If there are more names than there should be, assume that the extras are
Jul 12, 2007 . A Comprehensive List of Starship Names, Registries, And Sizes.
If you have an idea for a starship name please, please contribute it (you may
PS My favorite canon starship name is U.S.S. Silversides (very poetic!) --------------
While working on a short story (buffing up a writing portfolio) I ended up not being
I do not believe there ever was a complete listing of starship names and their
Watch this The Music of Supernatural video, Supernatural 6x19 - Dean Names The
The Cool Starship trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples from .
'Star Trek' - Ships trivia questions and quizzes. Thousands of .
400 Starship Names. Originally compiled by Paul Drye, February 2003. Check for
How did cobra starship get their name? Gabe Saporta got lost in a desert and got
U.S.S. ****-R-Us U.S.S. AlienSlaveGirls U.S.S. Pass The Tom (my name is Tom ,
Federation starship category · Federation prototype starship category ·
Consider Phlebas, The Player of Games. GCU Nervous Energy GCU Prosthetic
? There was the Prometheus (gets blown up), and the Odyssey (not blown .
But the main type of class of ships are present and I welcome bother Na'Vi and
Sarissa-LC Freidan-LC, female. Void-DCA The Glorious 10th of August-LC The Hunnish-DCA The Bereft-DCA The Imp-DCA
Targeting an enemy's starship hardpoints to destroy that hardpoint is an . .. and
Jan 23, 2001 . This list should be read cautiously; the total number of star destroyers built