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2 days ago . Have you ever looked up at the night sky, and wondered what . or to impress a
Many star names are of Arabic origin, most of which were used .
Where do individual star names come from? Did other cultures also see
Feb 11, 2009 . Some astronomers use the scientific name, while others use the common name.
Some of the brighter stars appear to form groups in the sky, these we call . that
This is a list of the known stars that lie within this distance. . motion of any star,
May 17, 1997 . Could you give me the names of all the stars in Pegasus (or any other . to their
Name A Star - The Most Treasured Gifts In The Universe Are Here! . generations
A number of stars have possessed names since antiquity — Aldebaran, for . as it
Many of the brighter stars in the sky have been given names. .
Name a shining star in the heavens is a unique and inspirational gift that will .
Choose one of the following to find an alphabetical listing of stars which have
The first two tables list the stars alphabetically by proper name (where available,
Confused by the bizarre names that astronomers have given the stars? Here's
Mar 3, 2011 . display the night sky. for any time and; for any position on Earth,. find out the
When we look at the sky, there are no names next to the stars; and no name we
It is the brightest star in the night sky, with a magnitude of 1.46. Its name came
Antares, a first magnitude fiery red star, is one of the most easily identifiable stars
"Shooting stars" and "falling stars" are both names that people have used for
Inputting the name of a planet or star will direct users towards this object. A user
. from Name A Star Live), you can easily find the general location of your star in
That star is called Sirius, and it is the brightest star in Earth's nighttime sky. Sirius
Altair has two fainter stars on either side of it, though in a poor sky you may only
Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. With a visual apparent magnitude of −
Vega, the fourth brightest star in the sky, has over 40 different names! Star names
Star Foundation gives people the opportunity to name a star in the sky after a
Circa 1600, the names of the constellations were used to name the stars in the
A table of planet names and icons is given in an accompanying document. .
Similar rules on "buying" names apply to star clusters and galaxies as well. . of
It's bright and there is nothing in the sky you can mistake it with. There are several
Top questions and answers about Names of Stars in the Sky. Find 13894
Most ancient cultures saw pictures in the stars of the night sky. . the mighty Orion
The Big Dipper is one of the most distinctive asterisms in the sky. Hold your
Aug 21, 2009 . Deep Sky Objects are often referred to by their entries in catalogs; see our . Also
Look at the sky and see. Who created these things? Who brings out the stars one
Where do these names come from? Human fascination with the night sky long
Name a Star - Buy a Star - Star Foundation gives people the opportunity to name
Traditional Chinese star names were given with a systematical method, by
An imaginative, personalized gift - Name a star after someone you love! . the
Most of the brighter stars in the sky have common names that are of historical and
Those stars which you see with your naked eye in the night sky .
Aug 5, 2004 . What are the names of the three stars visible on the sky as "* * *"? The three stars
This is not the same as a list of the brightest stars as seen with the naked eye, .
While most of the sky's more famous stars are known by their proper names (
Data sources: Bright Star Catalog from the Astronomical Data Center, star names
Astronomers rarely use the popular names of stars except for a handful of the . ..
The Brightest Stars, as Seen from the Earth . Longman Group UK) with
Nov 24, 2009 . Polaris, known by many names, is one of the most famous stars in the sky. Polaris
Sep 5, 2008 . Some stars possess interesting stories behind their names.
Copy its name and paste it into our star chart to find its location in the sky. If it's a