Nov 21, 11
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  • Jun 20, 2002 . The three stars of Orion's belt are sometimes called "Three kings. . . It is
  • Roughly 6000 ly separate the Orion arm from the Sagittarius-Carina arm on the .
  • Some of the names which we use for stars and constellations are the names of
  • The third brightest star in ORION is the one that makes up his left shoulder. If I
  • Orion is a fine example to help us realize that the stars we see in our sky have
  • Jan 31, 2004 . Anyone of the 88 groupings of stars that appear in the celestial . The names of
  • Mintaka garnered the name Delta Orionis from Bayer, even though it is the
  • Finding Orion should be no problem. Its stars are some of the most familiar in all
  • I've compiled a table of commonly known star names and their definitions in the .
  • The star names listed on this page were collected from Allen, by Don Latham.
  • As a result, the brighter stars may have more than one name. . The brightest star
  • This is a list of all of the principal nebulae, although most of these are only the .
  • According to Allen [Star Names] some think that the Belt of Orion stars, delta,
  • The bright star that forms Orion's left shoulder is Betelgeuse. The name of this
  • Rigel and Betelgeuse are the two brightest stars in Orion, which is the only . (
  • Notable stars in Orion: Epoch 2000. Longitude, Name, Nature, Mag. Position, Lat.
  • One of the most obvious features people see in Orion is the .
  • Pursued by Orion, they were rescued by the gods and turned into stars. . Their
  • The Arabic names of two of the stars reflect this: Mintaka means 'the belt' and . of
  • The two brightest stars have their own names. The one at Orion's shoulder, to
  • BETELGEUSE: This is the name of the second brightest star in the constellation
  • A constellation is a group of stars that, when seen from Earth, form a pattern. .
  • The Sun is just one of 200 billion stars in this typical barred-spiral galaxy that is .
  • Apr 17, 2011 . In ancient Egypt, Orion's belt was known as the symbol of the God-pharaoh,
  • Stars are massive shining spheres of hot gas, the closest of .
  • The Latin names and meanings of the official 88 constellations are given below.
  • Esther is another common female name meaning star in old Persian. .
  • Jul 20, 2007 . The closest of the major stars in Orion is Saiph. . think of Betelgeuse as the left
  • Jun 5, 1997 . He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. (Psalm 147:
  • The Orion constellation contains three of the most conspicuous stars in the .
  • It is thought to be a runaway star from the Orion OB1 Association, which also .
  • Several Māori star names have been recorded and published, most with no . .
  • Ka Hei-hei o Nā Keiki (Orion): “The String Figure of the Children”; the name was
  • Sep 15, 2009 . Orion, the Giant, Hunter, and Warrior. admired in all historic ages as the most
  • Orion is probably the best constellation of all, given how bright most of its stars
  • But of all the various names and epithets that this star was given, none can . in
  • From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. This is the
  • Star Names List. The following are a list of the star names in sorted alphabetical
  • This is the thorough list from A to Z of constellation names and star names, and
  • Aug 5, 2004 . What are the names of the three stars visible on the sky as "* * *"? The three stars
  • Bellatrix, is the third brightest star in the constellation Orion and the twenty-
  • It was the name given by the Arabs to the constellation figure that they saw in this
  • Though the number of names is increased by applying superscripts to stars that
  • Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death
  • Orion names typically came in three parts: a given name first, a family name
  • Some scholars prefer to see here a designation of the Belt of Orion, but it seems
  • To prove that the 3 pyramids on the Giza Plateau correspond to the 3 stars in the
  • The star's name comes from its location at the "left foot" of Orion. It is a contraction
  • Dec 13, 2007 . We call this view the “gospel in the stars.” According . The name Orion appears
  • In another tale, Orion fell in love with the Pleiades (a star cluster in Taurus), the

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