Other articles:
1. The eldest and wisest of the Nine Muses of Greek mythology. She is the muse
To be absorbed in one's thoughts; engage in meditation.www.wordnik.com/words/muse - Cached - SimilarMuse - definition from Biology-Online.orgDefinition and other additional information on Muse from Biology-Online.org
They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Learn more about
User-contributed definitions of Muses definitions on Quizlet.quizlet.com/dictionary/muses/ - CachedDefinition of Muse - Ask.comTop questions and answers about Definition of Muse. Find 17 questions and
Define muse. What is muse? muse meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/muse - Cached - SimilarMuse - Definition of Muse - Online Dictionary from Datasegment.comDefinition of Muse in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed
Definition of muse. What is meaning of muse in all languages.www.dictionarist.com/muse - CachedMuses meaning , Definition of MUSES , what is MUSESMuses meaning , Definition of MUSES , what is MUSES . www.definition-of.net/MUSES - CachedDefinition of a muse; everyone contribute - The 4-Hour Work Week . Definition of a muse; everyone contribute Automation: Outsourcing Life, Muse
More on Muses from Infoplease: museful: meaning and definitions - museful:
The term is from the Greek mousa, meaning “men” which was derived from mon,
Definition: (v.) to think about or ponder something deeply; (n.) the source of
Also found in: Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. prop
Muses definition, definition of muses, Anagrams of muses, words that start with
They have a website called www.google.com too! It's actually easier to type in "
to become absorbed in thought; especially : to turn something over in the mind
MnemonicDictionary.com - Meaning of muse and a memory aid (called
(redirected from muses). Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms,
Greek Mythology Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of
Only the most amazing, melodically creative band that exists/has ever existed/will
Definition of Muse in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of Muse. Who is/
See The Muse's definition of literature: click here. . form comes from Middle
Greek Mythology Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of
▶noun. 1 (Muse) (in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses who
Analyzing silent film, he pronounced his definition of cinema: "It is the visibility of
Definition of muse from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English.
verb (used without object). 1. to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject.
More on Nine Muses from Infoplease: nine: meaning and definitions - nine:
Definition of muse in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of muse. What does
Muse definition, definition of muse, Anagrams of muse, words that start with Muse
Muses, in Greek religion and mythology, patron goddesses of the arts, daughters
Muse means to have deep thoughts or to meditate. (verb). An example of muse is
muse meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'System.
Define muse. What is muse? muse meaning, synonyms and audio pronunciation
KJV Dictionary Definition: muse. muse. MUSE, n. s as z. L. musa. 1. Properly,
muse v. , mused , musing , muses . v.intr. To be absorbed in one's thoughts;
Muse n. Greek Mythology . Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus,
Muse ( myūz ) n. Greek Mythology. Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and
Synonyms for muse at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and
Definition of muse : As a verb, to muse is to consider something thoughtfully. As a
Acronym Finder: Definition of MUSE. What does MUSE stand for?www.acronymfinder.com/MUSE.htmlMUSES - Definition by AcronymFinderAcronym Finder: Definition of MUSES. What does MUSES stand for?www.acronymfinder.com/MUSES.htmlMuse Meaning and Definition(n.) A particular power and practice of poetry. (v. t.) To wonder at. (n.) To be
Noun. muses. plural form of muse. Verb. muses. Third-person singular simple
muse meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'musing',
Feb 8, 2012 . The western definition, for me leaves so much to be desired of how the Muses of
Musing definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with . The names of
I'm not talking about the dictionary definition of the muse. I'm talking about the