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Gray, short legged Munchkin cat that thinks it is a dog, lives in West/Central
Mar 24, 2011 . The Munchkin is a cat breed created by a naturally occurring genetic mutation
I love my naturally short-legged cats, which are called Munchkins (the name was
Abyssinian cat breeders listed by cattery who also work with chocolate and lilac
View pictures, and read profiles of Munchkins for adoption near you.
A must-read on Munchkins: information, pictures, temperment, personality,
Thought of by many as the Dachshund or Welsh Corgi of the feline world, the
The Munchkin is a cat breed created by a naturally occurring genetic mutation
Jun 20, 2011 . Browse our many listings from Munchkin cat breeders with Munchkin kittens for
Jul 13, 2011 . Special characteristic of the type is a short-legged Munchkin cats. Although it has
The Munchkin is a cat breed created by a naturally occurring genetic mutation
General information and pictures of Munchkin cats and kittens.
Munchkins are self-assured, curious, confident and outgoing cats. The Munchkin
Munchkin Cat - I R TOO CUTEZ!~ | Facebook. . Want to like or comment on this
One left. 12 week old Munchkin male, black and white van. Munchki;ns are a new
Illinois Kittens for sale. Napoleon Cats for sale. Napoleon Kittens for sale.
Munchkin kittens are a rare dwarf breed that have short legs. Small cats with
Munchkin cats are known as obligate carnivores; which means that they must eat
Top questions and answers about Munchkin Cats. Find 22 questions and
Looking for Munchkin Kittens for Sale? Find , Cat care advice , Cat breeders &
She named the first Munchkin “Little One” due to her tiny legs as a kitten.
The Munchkin cat breed is short- legged (like the Dachshund dog), the result of a
Munchkin Kitten. Fluffy flame point Munchkin kitten available, 7 weeks old, female
Munchkin cats are a relatively new breed created by a random mutation that
Munchkins are the same as every other cat-except they have short legs, speed &
Search for Munchkin kittens for sale? Look no further you found the right place to
Jun 20, 2009 . Hi, I'd just like to add to this page by showing the best Munchkin cat jumping
We have Beautiful Munchkin & Napoleon kittens in sought after colors including
Showing my dad pictures of munchkin cats; Dad: No. That's. No. That's breeding
Nov 28, 2010 . Munchkin Cat Questions - Cat Behavior. I-Love-Cats is the place to discuss
The word munchkin means short or usually refers to a small person, so you must
Breed information about the Munchkin cat breed, its standards, profile, history,
RugRunner's Munchkin's Have Several Munchkin's Looking for New Homes.
Jan 14, 2010 . There are both short-haired and long-haired munchkin cats. The munchkin is a
A resource for finding a Munchkin Breed Rescue and for Munchkin cat adoption.
The Munchkin Cat Breed: For their part, Munchkins, oblivious to the controversy
Jul 29, 2011 . Munchkin cat breed-born munchkin - gentle treatment for the little man, fairy-tale
Breeders of Munchkins, Napoleons and Persians cats and kittens in chocolate,
Information about Munchkin cats, Munchkin kittens for sale, Munchkin breeders
Dec 27, 2011 . Munchkins are energetic, short-legged cats suited for any home. Learn all about
Picket Fence Munchkins is located in southern Iowa, on the banks of the
About the dachshund of the cat world: munchkin cats.
Munchkin Kittens for sale. . Munchkins.com is experiencing technical difficulties.
Find Munchkins for Sale on Oodle Marketplace. Join millions of people using
Nov 23, 2011 . Munchkin Cat - Look at this cute kitten! . Johnson Take at look at this one :) http://
THIS JUST IN: Munchkin Kitten with Ears at 10 and 2. April 3, 2011 By Meg. You