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Modules. Modules are essentially similar to header files in C, but not exactly, and
As you see, a module looks pretty much like your normal python program. So
Modules¶. If you quit from the Python interpreter and enter it again, the . Such a
For example, the preferred way to initialize a module has changed over time. .
Sep 21, 2011 . And in fact the module cleanup breaks it. Apparently Python does clean it up on
You can test whether the python module was properly installed by doing . usr/
It is quite easy to add new built-in modules to Python, if you know how to . ..
Since a module is just a Python file, there are two ways to use a module. We can
This module provides an interface to the mechanisms used to implement the
Jan 7, 1999 . Python provides at least three different ways to import modules. You can use the
Return a new reference to the imported module, or NULL with an exception set
This mapping is captured the first time the os module is imported, typically during
You need to know SIX things to sucessfully import the uno module into your
If you want to import all the names used in the sys module, then you can use the
You can use any Python source file as a module by executing an import
Jul 8, 2011 . Most Python programs end up as a combination of several modules with a main
If Python fails to import the _imaging module, some parts of PIL still works. You
Python @ DaniWeb - Hey, I am new to python and was wondering how to import
Oct 23, 2011 . Learn how to use regular expressions with Python's re module. . first thing to do
The value of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE should be in Python path syntax,
Jul 26, 2011 . python-ldap: Frequently Asked Questions. . Q: While importing module ldap
Any standard Python modules or packages which make up an application and
Add-on Python modules might then belong in /www/python, and in order to import
I'm writing a Python application that takes as a command as an . Nope, that's
In order to use a module, just use the import statement. Let us take an example.
Sockets HOWTO · Distributing Python Programs . out to be relative or absolute.
I figured I would go over how to properly import python modules in Maya. I will go
Modules in Python are used by importing them. For example,. import math. This
Modules - Basics. Module Imports/Reloads. Every file of Python code with .py
Feb 19, 2004 . Your path (i.e. the list of directories Python goes through to search for modules
Possible module locations are specified by the PYTHONPATH environment .
Python modules are internally very dependent on a specific Python version. .
Jul 11, 2000 . Reloading Python modules . If these modules were imported, then 'a.value'
Modules are pieces of Python code that you import into your programs. When
Module import in Python is very simple, but with some tricky surprises. If we name
This allows you to automatically run Cython on every .pyx and .py module that
Now enter the Python interpreter and import this module with the following
Creating your own modules is easy, you've been doing it all along! . usr/bin/
How do I import a python module given its relative path? For example .
You can create a Python module, a separate Python file that contains function
Oct 24, 2010 . That approach "rolls back" the set of imported modules to some previous state by
Sep 28, 2011 . In general, a module is a package of functions and variables that you can import
To use your module, simply use the Python import statement. If all goes well, you
Python will raise an ImportError exception whenever it cannot find a particular
Mar 3, 2009 . Python is all about binding (or assigning) names to values, and the primary
Jun 2, 2011 . The Python interpreter is not able to import the sqlite module. . File ". /python2.3/
Jul 14, 2005 . usr/bin/env python """ loader.py - From a directory name: 1: append the directory
. you read our HowTo? We are providing a python module to simplify the task of
We can import this module in the interactive python shell and call the functions by