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Feb 28, 2011 . <States> <State> <Abbreviation>AL</Abbreviation> . </State> <State> <
Example sentences with the word Missouri. Missouri example .
Missouri definition, categories, type and other relevant information provided by
In addition, abbreviations for state courts and territorial courts can be located at
Definition of MO from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio
The US postal code abbreviation for Missouri is MO, not to be confused with MS,
Find US state abbreviations, state capitals, and state government links. .
This is the "Federal Courts" page of the "Legal Abbreviations" .
Mar 11, 2011 . Missouri is the weirdest state abbreviation, in a class by itself. This chart should
State.create [ {:name => "Alabama", :abbreviation => "AL" }, {:name . {:name => "
Acronym, Definition. MO, Missouri (US postal abbreviation). MO, Month. MO,
Journal Titles and Abbreviations (BIOSIS Format) This list contains some of . .
Kansas City, Missouri (informally abbreviated KC) is the largest city in the U.S.
Jul 11, 2011 . Use the postal-code abbreviation for states in an address (MO instead of Mo. or
abbreviation to define. abbreviation . Search for abbreviations related to
State Abbreviation - MO State Capital - Jefferson City Largest City - Kansas City
73 results . Looking for the definition of MO? Find out what is the full meaning of MO on
Abbreviations and codes for the states and possessions of the United States are
Looking for the definition of MO? Find out what is the full meaning of MO on
Located in Saint Louis, Missouri Baptist University is a premier Christian
Result: MO. Basic information: More. full name | State of Missouri\ncapital |
sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank, Abbr. Meaning. ******, MO · Missouri (US
. KB (added by jaredj, 3 years ago). data file for grid.html. Line .
Criteria State abbreviation=MO State≠ State FIPs code≠ . State FIPs code,
MO - Munch's Oddysee. . MO. Definitions. Link to this page: MO rate this
Apr 28, 2010 . Faced with more difficult abbreviations presents a problem though. Is Missouri
Records 573 - 882 . Skip to main content. Skip to navigation. MU logo .
U.S. Mail 2-letter State Abbreviations, sorted by State and by abbreviation. .
Sep 16, 2011 . FCCLA staff, Katie Younger painting the Missouri abbreviation on the map.
Except for the abbreviation D.C. when it follows Washington, which may be used
First abbreviation for Missouri Territory in 1813 as "M. T.," followed by "Mo."
abbreviation to define. abbreviation . Search for abbreviations related to
MO HealthNet . DHSS clarifies usage of abbreviations in patients' medical
. continued for some years to use an Arkansas abbreviation in the postmarks, .
Address Abbreviations. Kansas Counties. Missouri Counties. Kansas Counties
Current local time in Missouri with information about Missouri time zones and
There is also a list of "old style" abbreviations used to refer to US states before .
Ya know, if anyone actually forgot if Michigan's proper abbreviation was MI, MA,
Mo is an abbreviation for Missouri. It has been named after the Missouri Siouan,
Learn the abbreviations used for the U.S. states, both as postal codes and
MO is the abbreviation for Missouri. 5 years ago; Report Abuse. 0% 0 Votes.
Old State Abbreviations to help with searching and understanding old . LA, ME,
Abbreviation. Office of the State Treasurer treasurer.mo.gov. Department of
When did Jefferson City MO become the capital of Missouri? It's 1135 Actually it
MD: Maryland's abbreviation. 52. ME: Maine's abbreviation. 53. MI: Michigan's
What is the abbreviation for Missouri? MO is the Abbreviation. What is the
USPS home page providing access to services, products, employment
Roads of the Mid-South & West > List of Abbreviation . Minnesota MS.
Aug 14, 2006 . 'Mo jokes involving Missouri's abbreviation: Good As You: Gay and Lesbian