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Just wondering if mineral oil cooling is the best option for the price to cool down
I've seen some videos around where people have everything but their ports/
Aug 4, 2010 . share [g+] share [fb] share [tw]. I've heard some people talk about cooling a
In modern rotary offset machines with web velocities up to 10 m/s an air gap is
Dec 7, 2011 . Okay so here is my project. I am experimenting with mineral oil to insulate the pc
Jan 16, 2008 . Take one computer, drop it into an aquarium, fill with mineral oil and presto! -- a
all right guys, what is your honest opinion of dunking $3000 worth of PC
Mineral oil cooling !!!??? General Hardware. . So It is possible to just sink pc into
Sep 15, 2010 . Hi, I've spent a lot of time looking at using mineral oil submersion and was
Apr 12, 2011 . to save money on data center cooling? Tip your racks on their side, fill them with
Dec 25, 2008 . Origin PC's Frostbyte 360 is a High End Liquid Cooling System for Tightwads ·
I've been toying around with the idea of mineral oil submersion again as I inch
Before you go any further, please watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Jun 4, 2011 . mineral oil cooling mod. (1/2) > >>. ak4d7: has anyone ever tried submerging the
My question once again is how can i keep mineral oil cooled? . to cool gallons
G'day all! Yup, I'm a newb to the forums so forgive me if my etiquette is not correct
repeatability of the cooling rate. Fig 3-7 Cooling rate curves of CHTE probe in
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned mineral oil cooling on here - or at least
Dec 13, 2011 . I have had this idea for quit some time. I eventually want to do it, when I have the
The cooling module pumps the mineral oil through an external radiator, which
Sep 28, 2011 . [Archive] mac mini 4,1 mineral oil emersion liquid cooling Mac mini.forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-1235998.html - Cached - SimilarMineral Oil Cooled Computers - Now That's An Enthusiast Machine . Jan 17, 2012 . Dagbiker said:Mineral oil gets every where, and once it gets on somthing .
i was considering on purchasing Mineral Oil to cooldown my computer more, or
Forget the mineral oil cooling. You can pretty much literally dump a motherboard
Transformer oil or insulating oil is usually a highly-refined mineral oil that is
Sep 27, 2010 . So I was wondering what people thought about the mineral oil submersion
Abstract: This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)Phase I project
Mineral oil has a terrific specific heat capacity, so it took a very long time to reach
May 12, 2007 . While traditional homebrew oil-cooling setups use vegetable oil, the Puget crew
May 19, 2007. on how to submerge a PC in an aquarium filled with mineral oil. . The forums
I know this might be a bad idea influanced by alcohol or insanity with the slightest
I have recently read about cooling the pc with mineral oil buy filling up a tank
Is this fake? Mineral Oil Cooling System Cases & Cooling.forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2193719 - Cached - SimilarMineral Oil Cooling SystemMineral Oil Cooling System on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and
I got an idea to set up a mineral oil cooled system using an old pentium 4 i have. I
Jan 14, 2012 . Full Version: Mineral Oil by Pugent . I know absolutely squat about oil cooling
Aug 12, 2011 . It is assessing the long-term effects of mineral oil cooling on component reliability
mineral oil cooling mod. . has anyone ever tried submerging the xbox board in a
Extreme components require extreme cooling . We felt that by building a
I know this will work because the refined mineral oil, a very good nonconductor,
Sep 15, 2010 . The Mineral Oil PC by Andrew Mollman. Original Project Log: Here Foreword by
He uses cold antimatter . He uses liquid nitrogen, like the government uses for
was surfing youtube and found a video on using mineral oil as a cooling system.
What's an eco-conscious internet business to do? According to the geeks at