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Feb 2, 2012 . World of Warcraft Rogue Info - Charts, Articles, Guides & more! . significant
Wow 4.1.0 . Further optimizations to subtlety rogues attacking from the front . ..
Do Dagger Rogues out-DPS warriors in EVERY single case? I notice most
Choose from the checkboxes below to see historical DPS data. Controls . . Class
Much of the content is intended for max-level players who are raiding, but it's . ..
World of Warcraft Rogue Info - Charts, Articles, Guides & more! Rogue Armor .
Apr 16, 2011 . 4.1 All-in-one Opener/CP Generator; 4.2 All-in-one Finisher . .. This is to switch to
May 23, 2011 . Lvl 50 Cleric + Lvl 50 Rogue: Cleric and Rogue are both t1 or better gear Rogue
Jun 28, 2011 . Aoe situations: For maximum DPS, use your Felguard's Felstorm (or summon an
Oct 15, 2010 . Combat rogues, if you care - have taken a large hit in dps and are just . true,
Jan 11, 2011 . -Fixed a bug with max sequential casts not working . -Fixed 4.1 bit.band error . -
Mar 30, 2011 . The top rated rogues in Cataclysm have chosen the subtlety tree for arenas. .
Feb 23, 2012. 21 to 30 of 30. 80-85 Bracket - 80 Rogue DPS in Twink Battleground Brackets
4.1 Level Management . Choose a ranged and melee weapon with the highest
May 2, 2011 . With 4.1 going live, we know that neither of those actually exist, so I've gone .
Jun 8, 2011 . Patch 4.1: Gearing your Assassination Rogue . how to gem and reforge and stat
Feb 21, 2011 . Shared Topic: Max DPS Professions in 4.0.6 » . The brand new eBook: The
Is 4000 DPS enough for you to not be invited to a raid? If it is that sucks. . What
1.5.4 “What skills do I want to max, and why?” Use Magical Devices. 1.5.
Apr 7, 2011 . With this information you can adjust your gear to provide maximum dps and burst.
About Combat Rogue Guide 4.1 1-10 of 29 results . MaxDPS.com - 4.3 Combat
May 29, 2011 . Rogue Subtlety Guide 4.1.0. Subtlety is considered . Basically the max dps is
MaxDPS.com - 4.3 Combat Rogue DPS Gear… MaxDPS Recommends: New
Apr 10, 2008 . Rogues desiring to spec for Hemorrhage may obtain the highest DPS by taking
Dec 2, 2011 . 4.1. Buffs. 4.2. Single Target. 4.2.1. Abilities. 4.2.2. Rotation. 4.2.3. Tips . . Fireball
Feb 6, 2009 . Assassination is strong single target build Rogue build for PvE DPS. Just like
4.1 Levels 1-3; 4.2 Levels 4-5; 4.3 Levels 6-10; 4.4 Levels 10-70 . In PvE,
Apr 21, 2011. Lightning Machine Timer - should it reach max, Onyxia still explodes and . our
So, in patch 4.1, we hunters can tame Hydras. . . A max DPS spec can take 1
May 29, 2011 . Awesome Rogue's Leveling Guide 4.1.0. This FAQ is for new . Maybe as
This is a rogue guide site that has a lot of information on how to play a rogue . 1
Apr 26, 2011 . Max Boomkin DPS Guide . We finally get the first details on Patch 4.1 and they'
Cataclysm Combat Rogue DPS Spec (7/31/3) . additional 2% of your maximum
May 19, 2011 . Hello, ive been leveling up my rogue for awhile now. . Thread: Max DPS PVP &
Nov 28, 2011 . I appoligise in advance if this has been discused already, but what soul build
Jan 13, 2010 . 4.1 Origins; 4.2 Updated DPS for Awakening. 5 DW Warrior Maximum DPS for
Ok, so I'm asking every combat rogue. Did you notice any change in your dps
2.1 Max Dex, or Max Cun with enough Dex for the new Awakening skills? . 4.1
Jul 30, 2011 . Whats the current highest dps rogue build ? It is hard for me to gauge since all
It is almost always abbreviated as DPS (Damage per second) or DPSer in-game.
Elemental · Enhance · Resto · Rogue · Assassination · Combat · Subtlety . . Patch
May 6, 2011 . Topic Assassination DPS 4.1 . 85 Blood Elf Rogue . . I was running a norm for
Sep 1, 2011 . Most Rogue Elite Skills focus on increasing damage output but are fairly eclectic
Jan 19, 2011 . That alone is a titanic DPS loss. If you stack 3 Hunters and 2 Rogues, you are
Oct 23, 2009 . I play a rogue and have tried some different spreadsheets and . MaxDPS is
May 7, 2011 . highest dps class 4.1? . skill. and assume that they can sit on a boss without