Dec 16, 11
Other articles:
  • your data from prhs[0], [1], … • Call your C subroutine passing the input and
  • You can do this by having the function return the updated value as an output .
  • The sin() is a function that takes an argument and returns an output. As you start
  • It duplicates the MATLAB % function a+b. [m,n]=size(a); [k,l]=size(b); if m~=k | n~=
  • MATLAB's function 'simple' will perform all of the possible function manipulations
  • Aug 11, 1997 . Matlab even allows you to write your own functions with the function . The
  • Oct 13, 2011 . This is not a MATLAB function, but we compute coherence a lot in . Return x and
  • Functions versus Scripts; Anatomy of a MATLAB function. Creating function m-
  • This MATLAB function generates an exception if the currently-running function .
  • Obtaining the Function's Return Values. In the last example, the result of the
  • Enter a statement, press the carriage return ("ENTER") and the statement is .
  • array return with a function: Good day all i really hope anybody can help, I've got
  • A function is formally defined as something that takes one or more arguments,
  • This MATLAB function causes a normal return to the invoking function or to the
  • This tutorial is intended for those who want to learn basics of MATLAB
  • of the Econometrics Toolbox and in many cases, the arguments returned by the
  • (Earlier versions of this page were titled MATLAB as a programming language)
  • For both if and switch, MATLAB executes the code corresponding to the first true
  • This MATLAB function declares the function myfun, and its inputs and outputs. .
  • The code is packaged as several Matlab functions so that is can be used in a
  • Calling the LabJack functions within MATLAB is done just as any standard
  • This prevents MATLAB from having to reparse a function each time you call it
  • Matlab (short for matrix laboratory) is a specialized numerical computing . . To
  • Because MATLAB can process vectors and matrices easily, most Financial . For
  • The length() function in MATLAB returns the length of a single-dimensional vector
  • function return-values = functionname(arguments). so that matlab will recognize it
  • The output or returned variable, which would be sin(x), is said to be returned by
  • Jan 5, 2011 . FUNHANDLE = @FUNCTION_NAME returns a handle to the named function,
  • randint(m,n) returns an m-by-n such matrix with entries: % between 0 and 9. a .
  • Thus the function prototype is a means for telling Matlab that the M file contains a
  • function form allows objects to be returned. For example, to use the load
  • Dec 28, 1998 . Be aware that MATLAB can only find a function if it is either a built-in function or is
  • Return to the invoking function. Syntax. return. Description. return causes a
  • If your MATLAB function was written to return an vector when provided with a
  • This way, both you and MATLAB can easily find the source file for a function .
  • "Hello, world!" Using the Matlab C API. Here is source code for a mex function
  • This MATLAB function calls the function specified by function handle func .
  • function [var1 var2] = my_func for n=1:5 var1(n) = 2*n - 1; var2(:,:,n) = rand(3); %
  • tpvwin.m MATLAB function to compute and plot P-values for an outlier test based
  • Maximum and Minimum. The MATLAB function max returns the maximum of a
  • a function doesn't return any output variables but instead just generates plots, etc.
  • Apr 14, 2009 . I was wondering if it was possible to get the nth return value from a function
  • MATLAB Commands – 1 . Parentheses; encloses function arguments and array
  • If the function takes n arguments, args should be an array of size n . just like
  • Oct 5, 2011 . Particular cases. Scilab function does not get file version but Matlab one does.
  • function [x,y] = eulerApprox(startx,h,endx,starty,func) % file: eulerApprox.m %
  • Note: For compatibility with MATLAB, Octave's strcmp function returns 1 if the
  • Hi, i want to create a Comsol model using a Matlab function like: function
  • Matlab functions must begin with the keyword "function"; Matlab supports multiple
  • Jan 20, 2006 . The function call geom(0.9,10) returns 6.8619. To illustrate some more MATLAB

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