Other articles:
this “matching law”, so far without a clear consensus emerging. Here, we take .
Feb 24, 2004 . They called this the matching law, as the preferences of the pigeon . Note that
Mississippi State University. PHILLIP J. BELFIORE. Mercyhurst College.
Previously, we have shown that changes in pigeons' divided attention
Oct 5, 2011 . Vocabulary words for Matching Law #2. Includes studying games and tools such
Mar 29, 2012 . Human Learning Topic 5: Part 3 Matching Law and Delay DiscountingCEDP 324
Rate, magnitude & the matching law in transition. Elizabeth Kyonka. University of
The matching law states that the frequency of choosing an option is proportional
Matching law - Description: Role in the development of psychopathologyThe
Feb 17, 2012 . A while ago, Michael Higdon blogged here about whether we have two many law
His major research finding as an experimental psychologist is called "matching
The matching law and amount-dependent exponential discounting as accounts
Environmental change is accelerating due to anthropogenic influence. Species
Matching law: A principle of choice behavior which states that the proportion of
An application of the matching law to evaluate the allocation of two- and three-
This article contains a discussion about training issues relating to letting the birds
Four pigeons responded in a concurrent-schedule procedure in which reinforcer
Feb 24, 2011 . Lecture 4: Basic Research on the Matching Law, This is Lecture 4 of the EAB-
This article introduces the quantitative analysis of choice behavior by describing
Matching law and theory are reviewed, and research examining the matching law
the matching law is briefly summarized, as is the applied and practi- . Key words
laboratory studies using nonhumans, is the “matching law.” The matching law .
Jan 8, 1993 . In operant conditioning, the matching law is a quantitative relationship that holds
The matching law states that the relative amount of responding on concurrent
We can state the matching law a bit more formally in the following equation: .
The Matching Law applies a behavioral perspective to its comprehensive
"The Matching Law" applies a behavioral perspective to its comprehensive
This is sure to be a conversation starter out in public, or at least identify you as a
Herrnstein provided major contributions to several fields, like the understanding
Matching law - Description: Role in the development of psychopathologyThe
We present a proposal based on argumentation to match law ontologies, as an
mail: tbelke@cyber.psych.ualberta.ca). A matching law analysis of the reinforcing
Mar 10, 2012 . Belke (2010) showed that on concurrent ratio schedules, the difference in ratio
Formal properties of the matching law1. R. J. Herrnstein. 1Supported by Grant
The present study was conducted to replicate the findings of a previous study and
Justin M. Sayde. Justin Sayde graduated summa cum laude from Lafayette
When such situations are analyzed using the matching law, variable interval (VI)
BARNES & NOBLE: Matching Law by Richard J. Herrnstein - This impressive
In operant conditioning, the matching law is a quantitative relationship that holds
While waiting for the next game in the NCAA Basketball Tournament, you should
Title: The Matching Law. Full-Text Availability Options: More Info: Help | Help
Public international law are rules that concern relations between Government(al
www.jneurosci.org/content/26/14/3731.full.pdf+htmlA Biophysically Based Neural Model of Matching Law Behavior . Apr 5, 2006 . Matching law is about an individual's choice, hence ultimately should be
The University of Texas School of Law offers a limited scholarship matching
Jun 30, 2011 . TALLAHASSEE — A Florida federal judge has struck down a provision of state
Nov 9, 2010 . HighBeam Research Article: Product substitutability and the matching law.(
(2009) Alferink et al. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Read by researchers
These results imply that the generalized matching law may describe both
The generalized matching law predicts that bias should take this form (adding a