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Joey tells us that the King James Bible is encoded with the Pythagorean skein
Feb 6, 2011 . Thanks to: http://www.youtube.com/user/orlibonurb.www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE5x0zg1g3I - CachedTestimonies of pastors and former Masons.concerning FreemasnryEphesians 5:11 Home Free Tracts Video tapes Masonic Documents
Answers to questions about what the Bible says about freemasonry.www.minuteswithmessiah.com/question/masons.html - Cached - SimilarMasons (Freemasonry) - Christian or Anti-Christian?But the fact that Freemasonry is religion would not necessarily condemn it, except
[Archive] Masonic Bible Recommended Reading, Viewing and Audio.www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-6445.html - Cached - SimilarBIBLE PRESENTATIONThe Holy writings belong to all men, but Freemasons have a special reverence
On one hand they hold the Muslim Quran and the Hindu Rig-Veda as having
Can We Find the Roots of FreeMasonry in the Bible? By Jim Nations & Karen
Masons have been accused of using their own, presumably Satanic, bible in their
In fact, in nations where Christianity isn't embraced, Masonic alters display the
Masons say they offer new candidates "the light". The light they are actually
The Bible in Masonry By R.W. and Rev. Joseph Fort Newton. Time is a river, and
Jun 21, 2010 . SUMMER SOLSTICE June 21st 2010 the controversial Free The Masons series
As one carefully compares sound Biblical doctrine and the God of the Bible with
Some Biblical passages in Masonry. Many of the Biblical passages in the
Masonry and The Bible: Points of Conflict. It claims to be able to accomplish
Critical analysis of Freemasonry from a Christian perspective.www.biblebelievers.org.au/masindx.htm - Cached - SimilarMasonic Origins - Bible BelieversLinking Freemasonry with the occult and the self-styled Jews who would rule this
Mason's View: The Bible is only one of several “Volume(s) of Sacred Law,” all of
The first edition of the King James Bible, which was edited by Francis Bacon and
George Washington used a bible from the Masonic Lodge because no one
Since the early 18th Century, Popes have been warning Catholics about
Biblical History of King Solomon's Temple. The Origin of the Phoenix as a symbol
According to these three tests, masonry is a false religion manifesting a satanic
George W. Bush had intended to take the oath of office as the nation's 43rd
Because the Bible belonged to a Masonic Lodge many writers assumed he was
This is very interesting: It contains pictures of Egyptian hieroglyphs, pictures of
The only Masonic Editionof the Bible with all these features: Masonic, Scottish
Freemasonry confirms in a 1951 Masonic edition of the Holy Bible (page 6) that
Freemasonry is in direct conflict with the Bible in that Masonry condones
And to the masons and the stonecutters, as well as to buy timber and quarried
The overwhelming majority of the Founding Fathers were not Freemasons
Freemasonry is a blend of occult, paganism, satanism, demonology and
Masons own books and laid their teachings side by side with what the Bible has
them with the teachings of the Bible. Remember that it is the Ritual of Masonry
If one defines God outside of the Biblical context, than such a definition is
George Washington, 1789, Genesis 49:13 (Masonic Bible); opened at random
95) The removal of the name of Jesus and references to Him in Bible verses used
Proper Sources. The use of proper sources is critical when evaluating Masonic
Using the Bible to spread hate toward Masons, you should be ashamed. You are
Nov 13, 2011 . Image from Craft Masonry. Scripture in masonic usage . the Authorized or King
Why is knowledge of Freemasonry and the Bible important to a Christian
Do Masons believe in. the God of the Bible? Freemasonry requires each Mason
Feel free to print this Masonic Bible Presentation when you present the new
1 Hirams in the Bible; 2 Other accounts of a Biblical Hiram; 3 Other theories; 4
Subtitle: Dozens and dozens of perfectly formed Masonic Handshakes adorn the
The Holy Bible, Royal Arch Masonry, and You. The term "Royal Arch" is usually
The Bible itself has subsequently been used in the inauguration ceremonies of