Mar 31, 12
Other articles:
  • The extant text of The Gospel of Mary can easily be divided into two parts. The
  • Another portion of The Gospel of Mary Magdalene describes a soul's journey
  • Her 1984 novel The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene, originally published as
  • First discovered in 1896, the Gospel of Mary exalts Mary Magdalene over the
  • In the gospel story, it is not to any of the apostles that the risen Jesus first appears
  • Scholars do not always agree which of the Marys in the New Testament is the
  • In this gnostic gospel, Mary Magdalene appears as a disciple, singled out by
  • In any event, it really doesn't matter that much. But it does touch on what we know
  • What is the gospel of Mary (Magdalene)? Should the gospel of Mary Magdalene
  • The Gospel of Mary MagdaleneTranslation. by Bishop Rita Baker. { NOTE: The
  • The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene. Archive | Library | Bookstore . Few
  • Interest in Mary Magdalene, the quasi-legendary woman of the Gospels who
  • This Catholic Update examines the facts and fiction about St. Mary Magdalene.
  • Gospel of Mary Magdalene,though supposedly written by Mary Magdalene, the
  • Feb 1, 2002 . The Gospel of Mary Magdalene has 379 ratings and 32 reviews. Lori said: I was
  • Mary may have been the first person to see Jesus after his resurrection . The
  • The nature of Jesus relationship with Mary Magdalene.
  • Mar 14, 2006 . Mary Magdalene plays a very central role in The Da Vinci Code, as well as in
  • Jan 23, 2006 . As with all the genuine Gnostic scriptures, this Gospel is a kabbalistic and
  • Controversy over the identity of St. Mary Magdalene has continued since the
  • It depends on whether you believe there is a secret gospel of Mary Magdalene (
  • Jun 9, 2004 . BY JASON JEFFREY — Of all the earliest followers of Christ, none has sparked
  • San Francisco Opera announced in January 2009 its commission of my newest
  • The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene. Complete ancient text and
  • Throughout history, Mary Magdalene has been a mysterious figure for many
  • "You find in the [Gnostic] Gospel of Thomas that six disciples are named: Matthew
  • Considerably less is known about the gnostic gospels that were excluded from
  • Tradition is not fixed. Newly-discovered texts like the Gospel of Mary let us hear
  • Mary Magdalene was a follower of Christ from whom he had driven seven
  • Gospel of Mary Magdalene Book Study Series - A seminar series on Mary
  • Dec 28, 2011 . The Gospel of Mary Magdalene book study with Christy Michaels and Sophia,
  • These interactive workshops won't just deepen your appreciation of the art form;
  • Mary Magdalene Bible study - was she the beloved disciple who wrote the fourth
  • A later addition to Mark calls Mary Magdalene the woman "from whom [Jesus]
  • Mar 1, 2000 . The Christian Gospels mention Mary Magdalene a few times, with some
  • Jul 13, 1998 . This article makes a case for ascribing authorship of the Fourth Gospel in the
  • In John's gospel, a woman named Mary anoints Jesus's feet just before his arrest;
  • The Gospel of Mary exalts Mary Magdalene over the male disciples of Jesus. The
  • Or Jesus' closest disciple, the one he loved more than any other, as the Gospel of
  • second century, a century after the four canonical Gospels. ∎ We currently
  • Who Was Mary Magdalene? Although the mother of Jesus looms large in
  • Jul 20, 2011 . Powerful as this image may be, it is not the story of Mary Magdalene. Mary
  • Some feminist theologians have suggested that Mary Magdalene posed a
  • Condition: Used - Very Good. Comment: Eligible for FREE Super Saving
  • Note: Square brackets in the translation indicate that a gap exists in the
  • This website is designed as a showcase for the books "Mary Magdelene and The
  • The Gospel of the Beloved Companion: The Complete Gospel of Mary
  • Magdalene refers to Mary's hometown, Magdala (or Migdal), a fishing town on
  • The Gospel of Mary Magdalene is one more of the rather bizarre gostic texts,

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