Mar 27, 12
Other articles:
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  • The Marshall Plan Speech - The remarks by the Honorable George C. Marshall,
  • Containment and the Marshall Plan. . In a speech to Harvard University in 1947,
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  • Feb 16, 2009 . In the following months, Marshall and others drafted a plan that would . resulted
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  • Jan 21, 2010 . George Catlett Marshall was born in Pennsylvania on 31 December 1880. He
  • U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall gave a speech at Harvard University
  • This collection focuses on The Marshall Plan. . June. Speech by George C.
  • When proposing the Marshall Plan, George C. Marshall offered financial aid to all
  • Two years after the defeat of Nazi Germany, U.S. Secretary of State George C.
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  • When Secretary of State Marshall accepted an invitation from Harvard to receive
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  • Home All themes. Theme Liberation and Aftermath. Subject The Marshall Plan.
  • (3) Andrei Vyshinsky, Soviet Union spokesman at the United Nations, speech (
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