Feb 25, 12
Other articles:
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  • The Military pay scale of the United States military depends on various
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  • Rates for those serving part-time in the Reserve or National Guard are $317/
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  • Jan 12, 2011 . I read it up, and saw that they will pay, but only if his training lasts 6-12 months. .
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  • Learn how to get someone else to pay for your education, so you can finish
  • The service pays the same, while you are in basic training. Once you get out,
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  • well from a pure financial stand point, you make about the same basic pay, about
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  • Apr 14, 2009 . Thread: Marines vs Army/Enlisted vs Officer. HELP . . paid living expenses,
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  • The US Army and US Marine Corps both have their advantages and
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  • The Army Rangers and Marine Corps are two separate lines of defense for the
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  • Similar in payment to the Army's program, the Air Force tuition assistance .
  • i plan to join the marines so i would go into the marines . Oh my god i hate the
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