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The 'many-eyes' hypothesis suggests that more eyes are able to detect a . Many
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Mar 29, 2005 . Protection from physical factors - huddling; Protection against predators - “many
The "many eyes" hypothesis versus the "selfish herd" hypothesis (for herds and
--Improved detection, or the "many eyes" hypothesis. The more animals there are
More tests needed on more species, but 'many-eyes hypothesis' might remain
O.TS n Figure 13.3 Individual vigilance predicted by Eq. (2) with the many-eyes
The main explanation of this 'group-size effect', the many-eyes hypothesis, is
Apr 1, 2010 . Dissertation thesis places work-hypothesis of the ecological authenticity of
There are two hypotheses to explain this so-called group-size effect. First,.
A second potential anti-predator effect of animal aggregations is the 'many eyes'
This effect of group size is generally explained by increasing probability of
Mar 19, 2008 . This effect of group size is generally explained by increasing probability of
The many-eyes hypothesis. (Pulliam 1973; Powell 1974) suggests that per-
Oct 14, 2010 . size increases: the “group vigilance” or “many eyes” hypothesis states that, by
Download free doc files and documents about Many Eyes Hypothesis or preview
The main explanation of this group-size effect, the many-eyes hypothesis, is
Jan 27, 2011 . This biotic factor is known as the many-eyes hypothesis (Elsevier 2008). Results
dark-eyed junco ? “Many eyes” hypothesis. To test collective detection: Only 4%
Key words: flock size effect, many eyes hypothesis, mixed species flocks,
Due to its many interesting characteristics, the armadillo lizard has high . risk
The main explanation of this «group-size effect», the many-eyes hypothesis, is
One version of the 'many eyes' hypothesis proposes that flocking allows
To recap briefly: groups may be more likely than a single individual to detect a
In many prey species the potential disadvantages of foraging in a group can be .
The "many-eyes" hypothesis predicts a reduction in vigilance levels in larger
This “many eyes” hypothesis has been supported by studies that compare the
“Many eyes” within a school increase the chance of detect- ing predators (Turner
Oct 23, 2011 . Download free xls files and documents about Many Eyes Hypothesis or preview
Feb 28, 2005 . The 'many-eyes' hypothesis suggests that more eyes are able to detect a
Many eyes hypothesis. Click Card to flip. Dilution effect. diversity of antipredator
This has been called the 'many-eyes' hypothesis, based on the greater number of
The conclusion is that the `individual risk hypothesis' explains the behaviour of
Mar 20, 2002 . Yet, the "many eyes" theory, as it is known in the open-source world, . "It does
Jul 27, 1996 . The group vigilance or "many eyes" hypothesis states that if more individuals are
The "many eyes" hypothesis proposes that the collective predator detection
increased due to disturbances on many occasions, (ii) vigilance should follow
We call this the “many-eyes hypothesis”. — the more users that revise an article,
An explanation for the 'group-size effect' is the 'Many eyes hypothesis': Requires '
It is a common finding in many social species of animals that rates of individual .
group size is generally explained by increasing probability of predator detection (
Two hypotheses have been put forward to explain this negative relation- ship: the
Nov 18, 2010 . Security through obscurity is an illusion, and formal principles of information
Detecting attacks: the 'many eyes' hypothesis. Pulliam's study of ground-foraging
(ii) Testing between the Dilution and Many-Eyes Hypotheses The group-size
Many eyes effect – A second potential anti-predator effect of animal aggregations
Oct 31, 2002 . Vigilance was not dependent upon the number of birds present as predicted by
Three main hypotheses have been proposed to explain this inverse correlation:
Mar 4, 2011 . Many eyes hypothesis. << (Mantle cavity) · (Map distance) >>. The idea that
unclear. Some authors have considered just one hypothesis, the group vigilance