Nov 22, 11
Other articles:
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  • 1. The nuclear age and the development of nuclear armed "Superpowers" 2. The Cold War between the western (Capitalist) and Eastern .
  • Jul 4, 2006 . The defeat of Japan by Russia at "Khalin-Gol had 2 major results: 1) it secured
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  • May 13, 2003 . Most of the major powers of Europe were involved, battles were staged in all four
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  • The main causes of World War II were nationalistic tensions, unresolved issues,
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  • Advance East, to Stalingrad, a major industrial and transportation center on the
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  • The most important cause of WWI was German aggression: -Anschluss .
  • The History Place - World War Two in the Pacific . . August 8/9 - A major U.S.
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  • World War II (WWII) was a long and bloody war that lasted for .
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  • 8 -15 April British-American conversations in London result in conditional . .
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