Other articles:
Aug 3, 2010 . People are getting amazing results following the Leangains guide and I'm . . I
slizzardman wrote: You have to eat big, like 300-500 calories above
Oct 14, 2011 . So here's what I can put together from looking around on leangains: Find your
Leangains is a unique approach to strength training and nutrition. . workout,
Apr 12, 2011 . Leangains is, at its simplest, a protocol designed by Martin Berkhan to get . .
I've been following Leangains for a few months with considerable . just eating at
Leangains isn't magic, it's still about calorie control, but the specifics of Martin's
Just wondering if any of you guys are following the leangains methods of .
Cramming massive amounts of calories into only a few hours will prove very .
No fad diets required, no special exercise classes. just that caloric deficit. To
Sep 9, 2011 . This is a subreddit for practitioners of the leangains style of . Meaning, on rest
Oct 31, 2011 . How those calories are made up is less important than making sure I am around
I would think that if you were trying to take in that few calories and work out . you
If I'm using IF for fat loss, should I still count calories to make sure I'm creating a .
So to simplify it, you are to eat about 20 percent above maintenance on . the
Sep 30, 2011 . My maintenance is around 2390 according to the Katch-McArdle Formula. That's
No, you're not doing leangains; but if your calories are lower than maintenance,
Leangains Macronutrient Calculator Nutrition Questions. . -Training day cals
Sep 22, 2011 . I've been looking around on the leangains website and here but I can't find a
Berin, I have to eat around 4000 calories a day just for maintenance and I only
I plan on starting the Lean Gains approach to dieting on Monday and am just .
What are some good macro nutrients for leangains on workout and non . So in
Sep 6, 2011 . At 20% what you really really need to do is count calories. You need to be below
Nov 30, 2011 . Most muscle building diet plans focus on eating a lot of calories. . The best part
Thread: Lean gains; trying to avoid bulking and cutting . If you use a smaller
Mar 17, 2010 . I'm interested as to how much over maintenance you'll shoot for, is it necessary to
Tags: hollywood body, lean gains, motivation to train, muscle gain, new program,
Nov 14, 2011 . As I was reading about calories, protein, fat, carbs and the importance of . While
Oct 18, 2010 . Based on several online calculators, I determined that my maintenance level was
The truth about alcohol, fat loss and muscle growth | Leangains . and using
What I would recommend for lean gains is to add a 10-15% calorie surplus on top
Oct 23, 2011 . If you're new to leangains it will work, you will get leaner but . . Research
Nov 16, 2011 . A phrase coined by Martin Berkhan, LeanGains is a diet/workout . . +20% your
Looking to shed some fat. For the pst few weeks, I have been getting used to the
I have been on Lean Gains for 2 weeks, IF'ing almost daily. However, I cannot
Dec 15, 2011 . Being able to eat sensibly, count calories, lift weights and track your . In order of
So quick question, should I be shooting for 20% above my BMR, or 20% above
Oct 31, 2011 . I've tried a couple of these and the results vary way too much for me to trust any of
Dec 14, 2010 . So what makes the Leangains approach superior to other dietary regimes you've
A phrase coined by Martin Berkhan, LeanGains is a diet/workout . +20%
Im more of a calories in vs calories out thinker, I also believe macros matter, .
3 build days (around 20% over maintenance) and 4 burn days (around 20%
Martin advocates eating Maintenance + 20% on training days and Maintenance -
So I've decided to try the lean gains approach. I'm not . 1) you'd set your total
Hey guys, I am currently eating/training 6 days a week (leangains eating . eat
Christian Thibaudeau's Hypertrophy Forum | Pulse Feast LeanGains Martin
I started trying to follow the leangains approach to weight gain about five . to
I'm starting a superdeol cycle shortly and want to make sure my diet is going to be
Calorie Cycling for Lean Gains . large calorie surplus every day that I lift, and on
Oct 7, 2010 . I read the thread and then the info on his site Leangains.com and was . ..