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Mackinac Island Shepler's Ferry schedule for the 2012 season with departures
The longest ferry season on the straits. No other ferry service to Mackinac Island
Links to their sites are provided where you will be able to find departure times
Your Mackinac Island Ferry choices are between three transport companies with
St. Ignace Preseason Schedule. April 21, 2011. We will be running our fast ferry
May 10, 2011. Tuesday, that it has suspended public hearings scheduled for next week
Shepler suggested that the commission schedule public hearings in the three
Apr 9, 2011 . Mackinac Island has a new Ferryboat Ordinance, franchise . application for a
Mackinac Island Ferry Schedule 2010 With Quick Links to All Three Ferry
Mackinac Island Ferry: Use Arnold or Star ferry for flexible schedule. - See
Top questions and answers about Mackinac Island Ferry Schedule. Find 69
Shepler's Mackinac Island Ferry Shepler's is now offering a fast ferry service from
(231) 436-5584 - Mackinac Island StarLine Ferry rates for 2011, including special
From early spring to late fall, Arnold's triple-deck catamarans and classic ferries
One of the first things you learn about Mackinac Island is that the Village Council
Home · 2012 Ferry Rates & Schedules · Order Tickets Online .
Feb 15, 2011 . Some Mackinac Island ferries may cost less this year, but state is . will be
Apr 13, 2011 . A controversy between Mackinac Island and Shepler's Ferry Service is .
Ferry schedules may be viewed at sheplersferry.com. During peak times there
Mar 1, 2012 . Chris Shepler, owner of Shepler's Mackinac Island Ferry, says with . Tom
Take the State Street exit and follow the signs to the Mackinac Island Ferry Docks
Hooray! Expanded spring ferry schedule from Arnold Transit Co. Now you can
And remember, at Star Line Mackinac Island Ferry we offer. Free Secure
Things to Do » Mackinac Island Ferries . Star Line Mackinac Island Ferry. 711 S.
Order tickets online and SAVE MONEY and TIME Purchase two adult tickets at
No other ferry service to Mackinac Island offers a longer sailing season than
Nov 16, 2009 . Photo of 2011 St. Ignace Main Dock schedule for Mackinac Island StarLine Ferry
Three passenger-ferry lines operate from the harbor of Moran Bay offering
Thus you will see on the map that Mackinaw City is in the Southern Peninsula
I've visited Mackinac Island four times over the past 10 years and used Shepler's
See All 3 Mackinac Island Ferry Schedule 2011 with Quick Links So You Can
Apr 9, 2011 . Mackinac Island City Council not only extended the deadline from Monday, . Mr.
Board the barrier free main decks of a Star Line Hydro-Jet ferry and enjoy a
Sep 29, 2010 . On TripAdvisor's Michigan travel forum, travelers are asking questions and
It doesn't really seem to matter which ferry you take to Mackinac Island. The
Mackinac Island Ferry Schedule changes during the fall, winter, spring and
Mar 2, 2012 . After a short break, one Mackinac Island Ferry line is getting ready to run. . only
From May to October all three ferry services run regular schedules from St.
Mackinac Island Christmas Bazaar. Events For places to stay, ferry schedule links
No other Mackinac Island ferry service offers more boat schedules and
Star Line Mackinac Island Hydro-Jet Ferry : Whether you useyour round trip on
Be sure to check out our local schedule/calendar of events including those on
Star Line Mackinac Island Ferry, service to Mackinac Island from Mackinaw City
LEAVE MACKINAW CITY: 7:30 am 8:30 am 9:30 am .
May 10, 2011 . Ferry Schedules. Arnold Transit Co. - operates until the ice freezes on a limited
Offering a fast comfortable trip from St. Ignace or Mackinaw City to Mackinac
Mackinac Island Ferry Schedules Remain Up in the Air. 2011-01-20 / News. Boat
Ferry Schedules Arnold Transit Co. - operates until the [. ] Grand Hotel Grand
(231) 436-5584 - Mackinac Island Ferry schedule featuring free shuttle to ferry for
Approximately 500-600 people reside on Mackinac Island on a year-round basis.