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Concerned about COLD-EEZE ® and its side effects - Lawsuits for victims begins
The lack of smell may be causing issues with your taste buds, but I bet the . ..
If you have suffered a loss of smell or taste as a result of Zicam Cold Remedy .
Temporary loss of the sense of smell is common with colds and nasal allergies,
The senses of smell and taste are closely intertwined, so it can be difficult to
Age-related olfactory loss explains, in part, why many . a sudden but minor
Overview of loss of smell and taste, and how to treat it in a natural way. . The
The senses of taste and smell are closely related in terms of the proximity of the .
Feb 11, 2009 . If you are experiencing a problem with the ability to smell or taste, you are not
When it was over, I had lost most of the sense of taste and smell. . . times. you
Cure Loss of Smell/Anosmia with Earth Clinic Cures! . A related term, hyposmia,
This website is devoted to the loss and disturbance of the sense of smell and is
Jun 21, 2009 . Claim: Zicam brand cold remedy causes a loss of smell in consumers who use it.
Nov 7, 2009 . My sense of smell and taste deserted me, but for the first few days I . When it
Loss of Taste & Smell Due to a Cold. The common cold reduces your senses of
Jan 19, 2010 . An example of this condition is loss of smell and taste after a cold. Our nasal
I tried the zinc lozenges when I was developing a head cold. I lost my sense of
People have usually used this spray after the initial onset of cold symptoms but .
Taste and smell losses are generally first noticed around age 60, although .
A loss of taste and smell significantly reduces your enjoyment of healthy food. .
Aug 4, 2010 . I haven't been able to taste or smell for eight years. At first I thought the loss was
But I have experienced gradual smell loss and taste I beleive is due to the smell
Aug 31, 2010 . In most cases the loss of taste is typically a symptom of anosmia - a loss of the .
Zicam Cold Remedy zinc-based solution taken as a tablet or a nasal spray. .
Jun 16, 2009 . I have noticed a decrease in my sence of smell and taste. I assumed it . I lost my
Loss of taste and smell is not uncommon with severe sinusitis. Alcohol can be a
Find 2079 questions and answers about Loss of Taste and Smell at Ask.com
Problems range from distorted taste to a complete loss of the sense of taste. .
Smell and taste warn us of dangers, such as fire, poisonous fumes, and spoiled
Common occurrence, colds interfere with both these two senses you mentioned. Don't worry, they both will return. Sometimes it takes as long as 28 .
The two products reported to be linked to a possible loss of smell and taste are
Jun 18, 2009 . Jackie Tyler: Overnight, I had lost taste and smell. . Puzzled, I Googled "loss of
Although there is no treatment for presbyosmia -- loss of smell due to aging --
My doctor is convinced this is related to the bronchitis I had and told me to hang
A gradual loss of smell and taste may occur due to a cold or sinus infection. If
When the loss of smell is partial, the condition is called hyposmia. . I am now
Jun 24, 2009 . Loss of smell and/or taste may be life threatening, impairing the detection of . .
The smell loss is partial rather than total for many, and can be associated with
I lost my sense of smell and taste following a bad throa. . I lost my sense of smell
Z-pack can cause loss of smell and taste. It may take few days to weeks after
May 29, 2007 . Early recovery may occur due to mechanisms such as the disappearance of
The lack of the sense of smell at birth, usually due to genetic factors, is referred .
LOSS OF SMELL AND TASTE . A.) Partial loss of smell or loss that comes and
Jun 16, 2009 . Has a Zicam nasal cold remedy robbed you of your sense of smell, . of smell,
Feb 12, 2010 . There are other over-the-counter drug products for cold symptoms, which . Loss
Smell may be lost temporarily when a person smokes or has a cold or .
Jul 13, 2007 . Loss of Taste and Smell From Congestion. Print E-mail. Tweet. Q: Because of my
[Archive] Who has lost their sense of smell and taste due to a cold? . of smell
Mr. Weinstock was experiencing a loss of smell, or anosmia. Because smell and
Aug 29, 2011. alarming health epidemic related to a loss of taste and smell caused by nasal