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Have you recovered from loss of taste and smell after 1. (8 replies): . Eat a hot
Loss of taste and smell after bronchitis . I had a bad bout of . my loss of smell /
When it was over, I had lost most of the sense of taste and smell. . Years ago I
The loss of smell can occur as a result of nasal congestion or blockage of the
Rather, smell, touch, sight and even hearing often come into play, and the best .
Your senses of taste and smell should return within a few days after a cold has .
Hey You could have a blocked sinuses which is a cause for loss of taste and smell. I'm not an expert obviously, but the likely hood that a cold has .
Quigley counters those claims by stating that perhaps it was the cold that caused
If you have suffered a loss of smell or taste as a result of Zicam Cold Remedy use
Jun 16, 2009 . 300 People Claim Nasal Spray Causes Loss Of Taste, Smell . cases taste, after
Overview of loss of smell and taste, and how to treat it in a natural way. . The
How are smell and taste loss diagnosed? and more. Problems with these . It
Zicam Cold Remedy zinc-based solution taken as a tablet or a nasal spray. .
Jun 21, 2009 . Warning about consumers' experiencing a loss of smell after using Zicam cold
I have suffered from sinusitis for many years and after reading your web pages
Loss of smell can also be dangerous because it hinders the detection of gas
Taste and smell disorders are complete or partial loss of either or both senses. .
Nov 11, 2011 . This was followed by a loss of the sense of smell after the cold symptoms cleared
People have usually used this spray after the initial onset of cold symptoms but .
A gradual loss of smell and taste may occur due to a cold or sinus infection. If
. zinc-based nasal cold remedy Zicam for cases of anosmia (loss of the sense of
Nov 7, 2009 . My sense of smell and taste deserted me, but for the first few days I . on for a
LOSS OF TASTE AND SMELL AFTER VIRUS . Ever since then, even if he gets a
UConn Health Center Home Taste and Smell . smell loss from a time when they
Jun 18, 2009 . I thought, "Boy, I really am coming down with a bad cold . my sinuses . After
Loss of the sense of smell is called anosmia, while hyposmia means reduced
I tried the zinc lozenges when I was developing a head cold. I lost my sense of
Feb 28, 2010 . Shortly after this incident, I realized that I could no longer smell or taste. . of taste
Feb 12, 2010 . FDA recommends that consumers contact their healthcare provider if they
Loss of smell and the resulting loss of taste may lead to depression. . . The sense
But after he left the hospital, he realized the problem was wide-ranging. . Mr.
When the loss of smell is partial, the condition is called hyposmia. . I lost my
Feb 6, 2008 . With loss of taste that impacts some, web sites are popping up that . idea that
Loss-of-Sense-of-Taste-and-Smell-after-a-Cold - Why do we lose our sense of
Nov 9, 2009 . I can think of at least three explanations for loss of smell and taste after having a
This website is devoted to the loss and disturbance of the sense of smell and is
They are critical to our perception of the outside world, and the loss of taste . of
I've always figured the lack of senses was caused by the cold. However, the last
Jun 17, 2009 . The warning comes after the FDA received more than 130 consumer . cold
Smell may be lost temporarily when a person smokes or has a cold or seasonal
Maybe you have noticed the loss of taste during a cold when you can't breath . A
Feb 11, 2009 . If you are experiencing a problem with the ability to smell or taste, you are . A
Oct 24, 2008 . I also have a flu last March that lasted a long time and after that I lost my sense of
Aug 4, 2010 . I lost my sense of smell about three years ago but after 18 months my sense of
smell and taste are in fact but a single sense, whose laboratory is the mouth and
If you use Zicam intranasal cold remedies and have lost your sense of smell - a .
Much of what we “taste” in food is actually odor sensed in the back of our noses.
It is a cold remedy sold over-the-counter (OTC) across the country. . 2006
How Viruses Inhibit Taste and Smell Function and What Can We Do About It? .
Problems range from distorted taste to a complete loss of the sense of taste. .