Other articles:
Apr 25, 2002 . SARASOTA, FL -- Cancer patients who experience taste and smell loss because
Anonymous 2006 email alert blames zinc-based nasal cold remedy Zicam for
Losing one's taste and smell is no laughing matter. If only temporarily. One can
Loss of taste and smell is not uncommon with severe sinusitis. Alcohol can be a
/əˈɡjuːziə/ ə-gew-zee-ə) is the loss of taste functions of the tongue, particularly
Hello, I'm 17 years of age and recently (2 months ago) had an accident that has
Loss of taste and smell after bronchitis . I had a bad bout of bronchitis a few
re: Loss of taste and smell. Brian on July 8, 2011. Afrin or Oxymetazoline is a
The Clinic Diagnosis · Treatment FAQ Press · Research Clinical Overview What's
Loss of taste and smell (which enhances taste) is a major cause of weight loss in
Anosmia is the complete loss of one's ability to smell; Hyposmia is a partial loss
The smell loss is partial rather than total for many, and can be associated with
A loss of taste and smell significantly reduces your enjoyment of healthy food.
A reduced ability to smell (hyposmia) and loss of smell (anosmia) are the most
Smell and taste warn us of dangers, such as fire, poisonous fumes, and spoiled
It is commonly believed that as people grow older their ability to taste and smell
Top questions and answers about Loss of Taste and Smell. Find 2079 questions
Jun 16, 2009 . Has a Zicam nasal cold remedy robbed you of your sense of smell, and possibly
ARS is a physician organization whose focus is upon the medical and surgical
Taste and Smell-Loss of Sensation Herbal TreatmentReturning Client? Click
Meditation and supplements canhelp restore lost senses.
Some of life's most pleasurable experiences are associated with the senses of
May 4, 2007 . It is estimated that approximately 2 million adult Americans have a taste and/or
Still, an intact sense of smell is necessary to fully taste foods. Loss of smell could
I experienced total loss of taste and smell a few months ago. I've been to several
Jan 15, 2000 . Smell and taste disorders are common in the general population, with loss of
Reasons for a loss of taste or smell in Parkinson's patients. Risks associated with
Cure Loss of Smell/Anosmia with Earth Clinic Cures! . Ask her if she has a
Jul 13, 2007 . Because of my allergies and sinus problems, I have been taking Claritin-D to
It has been suggested that most loss of smell reflects . Disorders of taste and
For over 25 years, Dr. Hirsch has dedicated his medical career to helping people
Did fall cause loss of taste and smell? February 28, 2010 By Dr. Gott. DEAR DR.
Taste and smell also protect us, letting us know when food has gone bad or when
A simple "scratch-and-sniff" test is often used to test loss of the ability to smell.
Rather, most people who feel they have lost their taste instead have lost their
Loss of taste and smell — Aging can play a role, but not always.
Some professions require a keen sense of smell, such as chef or a firefighter.
The sense of smell also enhances your ability to taste. Many people who lose
Aug 29, 2011 . FLORENCE, Ore. – Christopher lost it, and so did Lea; they are now part of a
An alteration in taste or smell may be a secondary process in various disease
Jun 24, 2009 . Disorders of taste and smell generally have been difficult to diagnose and treat,
SYMPTOMS: There are two major types of problems related to taste and smell: (1
Overview of loss of smell and taste, and how to treat it in a natural way.
Mar 5, 2011 . Problems range from distorted taste to a complete loss of the sense of taste.
Check medical symptoms for smell and taste loss with the self-assessment
Feb 11, 2009 . Many people complain of a decrease in both smell and taste, however in most
The losses in taste and smell that occur with advancing age can lead to poor
Jul 28, 2010 . Conditions That Cause Loss Of Taste & Smell. The senses of taste and smell are
Feb 6, 2008 . Zicam has a reputation management problem on its hands. With loss of taste that
Taste and smell disorders are complete or partial loss of either or both senses.