Feb 25, 12
Other articles:
  • Jun 1, 2007 . Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) defined myths as "false or apocryphal beliefs that
  • Mar 27, 2002 . 24 K.A. Lonsway and L.F. Fitzgerald, Attitudinal antecedents of rape myth
  • Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) further articulated rape myths as. “generally false
  • (PLF): Payne, Diana L., Kimberly A. Lonsway and Lousie F. Fitzgerald. 1999. “
  • Lonsway, K.A., Freeman, L.V., Cortina, L.M., Magley, V.L., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (2002
  • sexual assault (Foubert, Garner, & Thaxter, 2006; Hamilton & Yee, 1990;
  • Lonsway Fitzgerald. The Victims of Rape (1420 6 ) . . s study in which it was
  • Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) defined rape myths as “attitudes and beliefs that
  • Check's study in which it was concluded that, ". general acceptance of rape
  • However, rape remains a serious social problem and many myths persist
  • Browse every attainable public records for Maryann Lonsway right away online.
  • sexual violence as fair and natural (Burt & Albin, 1981; Lonsway & Fitzgerald, .
  • Dr. Kim Lonsway, Research Director, National Center for Women & Policing . .
  • Lonsway, K. A., & Fitzgerald, L. F. (1995). Attitudinal antecedents of rape myth
  • of or have committed sexual assault (Lonsway & Fitzgerald, 1995). Franiuk et al.
  • Payne, D. L., Lonsway, K. A., & Fitzgerald, L. F. (1999). Rape myth acceptance:
  • For example, studies have suggested (see Lonsway and Fitzgerald 1994 for a
  • (e.g., Lonsway & Fitzgerald, 1994; Norris et al., 1996; Rosenthal et al., 1995;
  • impact of describing a male as a survivor of a male-on-male rape. Three studies (
  • definition proposed by Lonsway and Fitzgerald [1994]: ''Rape myths are attitudes
  • subsumed in the term "rape myths" (Lonsway & Fitzgerald, 1994), typically
  • Lonsway, K.A., Freeman, L.V., Cortina, L.M., Magley, V.L., & Fitzgerald, L.F. (2002
  • women" (Lonsway & Fitzgerald, 1994, p. 134). Because the cultural theory
  • Berg, D.R., Lonsway, K.A. & Fitzgerald, L.F. (1999) Rape prevention education for
  • committing rape (Berg, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald, 1999); to changes in attitudes
  • Based on these findings, a recent review of research focusing on rape (Lonsway
  • problem with lasting effects for victims (Castello, Coomer, Stillwell, & Cate,. 2006;
  • Further, in general, men indicate higher endorsements of rape myths than do
  • that only certain kinds of women are vulnerable to sexual violence (Lonsway &.
  • 217) and Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) later described as “attitudes and beliefs
  • Jan 11, 2010. Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (Payne, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald, 1999) among a
  • Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) also define rape myths as "attitudes and beliefs .
  • Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale—Short Form (Payne, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald
  • from work by Fitzgerald, Lonsway, and Payne in discussing the particular cultural
  • Kimberly A. Lonsway, Susan Welch and Louise F. Fitzgerald. Police Training in
  • In Review. Kimberly A. Lonsway,; Louise F. Fitzgerald*. Article first published
  • . stereotyped, or false beliefs about rape, rape survivors, or rapists, and they are
  • Jun 2, 2011 . (Burt, 1980; Lonsway & Fitzgerald, 1994). Com- mon rape myths . (Farmer &
  • Mar 18, 2000 . Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) says there are three characteristics of myths. The
  • Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1995) adapted Check, Malamuth, Elias, and Bar- ton's (
  • Kimberly A. Lonsway and Louise F. Fitzgerald. University of Illinois at Urbana-
  • . beliefs in rape myths, defined as false beliefs about rape shaped by sexism
  • Jan 23, 2012 . The two most common stereotypic beliefs about rape are that (Lonsway &
  • Participants completed the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (Altemeyer, 1981),
  • Jul 21, 2010 . Zotero is a powerful, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather, organize,
  • Sep 22, 2006 . The Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale-Short Form (IRMA-SF; Payne, Lonsway
  • Mar 18, 2011 . The scale contains 19 items and has been shown to be reliable (Burt, 1980), to
  • . have experienced coercive sex during their lifetime (Schwartz & DeKeseredy,
  • According to Lonsway and Fitzgerald, rape myths are "attitudes and beliefs that
  • Lonsway and Fitzgerald (1994) defined rape myths as “attitudes & beliefs that are

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