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The "longest word in the world" is 189819 letters long. It is the technical name for
The word dates back to 1741. The 1992 Guinness Book of World Records calls
Welcome to the World's longest single word domain name! Have an email from
Here you will find part of the world's longest list of feeling words, (or emotion
What is the longest one-syllable English word? by Oxford Dictionaries Online. .
Dec 5, 2011 . German is known for its long compound words. But also other languages can be
What Are The Longest Words In The World. 64. rate or flag this pageTwitter.
What is the longest word in the world? - Ask questions and get answers from real
Language articles about Ukrainian language and Russian language. What is the
Is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia the longest word in the world?
"longest word" - Guinness World Records - Home of the Longest, Shortest,
Feb 15, 2010 . Did you ever think that the longest word in the world will have 189819 number of
Dec 20, 2007 . There's a long history of shipping on the Danube and sure enough there's some
Mar 13, 2008 . Tagged: *grammar posts, longest word, world's record. You can follow any
Oct 2, 2009 . Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphen-
World's longest word in the english language. antidisestablishmentarianism. .
The 13 LONGEST WORDS In The English Language . "Hi ludi F. Baconis nati
Want to like or comment on this page? To interact with the longest word in the
No, it is definately not the longest word in the world. By googling it, I couldn't even
What is the longest word in the world? Limiting to only the English language, the
Jul 13, 2007 . The longest word in the world is in Sweedish: nordostsjokustartilleriflygspl-
Mar 29, 2008 . 1. A protein, also known as 'tryptophan synthetase A protein' made up of 267
Nov 11, 2007 . In honor of the event, I wondered if I could create the world's longest palindrome.
Jan 25, 2011 . But are the longest words in our language actually words? . Unfortunately for
Jan 21, 2011 . Finding the longest word that describes something real can be a . Which may
World's Longest Place Name Subscribe E-mail Words Bookshop Link to this Site
The question 'what is the longest word in English' or 'what is the longest word in
Longest Words ~ Symmetry ~ Typewriter Words ~ Vowels ~ .
What is the longest English word? by Oxford Dictionaries Online. . with Athens ».
The 45-letter word was coined to serve as the longest English word and is the .
Jan 22, 2011 . What's the Longest Word in the World? Combining my love of science and words,
Words consisting of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of characters have
The longest word in the world. Post by Samppa » Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:13 pm.
This page contains information about the longest word in the world ever
The longest word in the world would depend on a lot of things. It depends on if
(Visitor's very funny joke): Q: What is the longest word in the world? A: 'Smiles'
Feb 13, 2009 . What does it mean the longest word in the world? Who does that meaning know?
Have you ever wondered what the longest words in the entire world are? Well, I
Aug 15, 2003 . Now I have decided to go for a world record. I will try to make the longest web
The identity of the longest word in English depends upon the definition of what . .
Top questions and answers about Longest Word in the World. Find 13560
For years, the longest (dictionary) words to be featured in song lyrics were all 16
Jan 21, 2011 . Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, the obnoxious blob of sound we're all taught is
Mar 24, 2008 . Longest Word in the World Contains Over Two Million Letters. Writer Nigel Tomm
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the
On this matter, at least, the famous book of world records is wrong. . The answer